After the patch the freezes seems to have stopped. That is great news.
There seems to be two strange things going on with the FMS however.
1. The Fuel predictions are way off. I did a 2 hour flight and the prediction was 6000 Lbs off. I left the flight in fully managed and didn't make any changes. It seemed to descend way too early on the FPL. There were heavy headwinds which were loaded into the FMS and the plane decide to just act like there were none so it rode the throttles all the way down... It would get slow and throttle up to compensate instead of just descending later. It acted like it had no idea there was a 100kt headwind and just was trying to descend through it on power...
I did another flight and you can sit and watch the EFOB just decrease the entire flight by 1000s of lbs. If I hadn't added some in the SB profile I would have ran out.
2. The ALT predictions are way off. I loaded my SB flight plan in fuel and weights and plane said at 420,000LBS GW with 310 passengers it claimed it could achieve OPT FL410. I ended up at FL375 with the throttle firewalled and about a 50 FPM rate of climb? That is nowhere close...
3. I am echoing a point made by a previous poster but the Simbrief weights seem to not be playing with the plane properly. On the flight that I couldn't climb any higher showed on the EIS it was 500,000lbs but the Simbrief and the FPL showed 420,000. There is some sort of disconnect between the weights it seems.
4. The SPD knob if you roll it without pulling or pushing for managed shows like M 5.7 or something stupid.