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  1. I concur with your observations. It was marketed as a study level Airliner from them and is no where near that ATM. It will be my last Inibuilds purchase if its not rectified through patches.
  2. After the patch the freezes seems to have stopped. That is great news. There seems to be two strange things going on with the FMS however. 1. The Fuel predictions are way off. I did a 2 hour flight and the prediction was 6000 Lbs off. I left the flight in fully managed and didn't make any changes. It seemed to descend way too early on the FPL. There were heavy headwinds which were loaded into the FMS and the plane decide to just act like there were none so it rode the throttles all the way down... It would get slow and throttle up to compensate instead of just descending later. It acted like it had no idea there was a 100kt headwind and just was trying to descend through it on power... I did another flight and you can sit and watch the EFOB just decrease the entire flight by 1000s of lbs. If I hadn't added some in the SB profile I would have ran out. 2. The ALT predictions are way off. I loaded my SB flight plan in fuel and weights and plane said at 420,000LBS GW with 310 passengers it claimed it could achieve OPT FL410. I ended up at FL375 with the throttle firewalled and about a 50 FPM rate of climb? That is nowhere close... 3. I am echoing a point made by a previous poster but the Simbrief weights seem to not be playing with the plane properly. On the flight that I couldn't climb any higher showed on the EIS it was 500,000lbs but the Simbrief and the FPL showed 420,000. There is some sort of disconnect between the weights it seems. 4. The SPD knob if you roll it without pulling or pushing for managed shows like M 5.7 or something stupid.
  3. I had the same issue. There is a setting to not split the rudder and the tiller in the options it will fix it.
  4. First of all thanks for responding! I will try and reproduce this on the weekend. 1. The reasons for the lock up of the FD/Avionics are unknown. It for sure froze one time due to pushing the Video button. It froze another time as I tried to use the Rotary (SD) on the console which brought up the menu on the bottom of the screen and then the entire FD froze again. The third time the FD locked up it seemed to have something to do with the SPD Knob on the MCP which regardless of if I turned it the numbers wouldn't change (Before the entire deck froze). It was frozen on some High Mach setting. I could pull it but spinning the knob did nothing. 2. To the best of my knowledge I loaded the F&L pages on the OIS. I imported from a Simbrief plan and did the calculations which I then entered into the FMS on all flights. I will try and grab a screen of the High M number if it does it again this weekend. 3. I don't have RW experience on the 350 of course my comments were just leaning towards when the entire flight deck locks up and it flies with what seems like no FBW or Physics anymore. I have no idea how the lockup affects the physics in the sim I just know you can roll it inverted and pull crazy stuff. Clearly the Airbus limits are no longer in play at that point. I still have no explanation for the wind causing so much pitching up and down. It was on a flight between RJTT-RJOA. I had high headwinds but they were gusting 1-2Kts and the nose of the plane was porpoising in such a manner it was if the plane had no mass. I believe I have my MSFS set on low for the turbulence as I know it can get out of hand. 4. I still feel that we should at least get a low res cabin or at least leave the walls and windows.It is nice there are a few windows for shots but it's like you used a no clip cheat. I know you guys already know the Navigraph charts aren't working in 2020. My rig is a 13900K 4090 64Gb of ram so I am not running out or ram etc. I am not using any other mods to the base sim. I will say the external model is beautiful! Between the freezes and the speed window being crazy it just has been unusable for me. I like to do alot of long hauls and yesterday I tried 3 flights and never got to land due to issues.
  5. I am yet another customer that purchased this to only find it doesn't work properly. I cannot even complete a single flight with this A/C in 2020. There are many issues that became immediately apparent upon my first flight but I will address the elephant in the room. 1. The entire flight deck freezes after 30-45 mins of flight. This is simply absurd and how it wasn't caught in testing is beyond me. After the FD Avionics freeze the FBW no longer works either. You can fly it like an F16 after it bugs out showing how crazy the FM is. If you would like to test this for yourself just fly it around once it freezes there are no more FBW limits you can roll it inverted and go crazy. 2. The Speed selector knob rarely works it constantly zeros out and jumps between settings when the window is opened. Forget trying to set a climb speed decent approach etc. Mine when I opened the window has shown M. 1-15 as if this is some reasonable setting on the MCP. Nothing like opening the window and seeing M. 4.5 set on an airliner. 3. The FM is so far off in 2020 I don't know where to begin. First off it flys like it is in Direct Law the entire time. In cruise I saw pitch changes of up to 5 degrees because the headwind changed 1 KT. It is like you are flying a paper airplane in the sim when the wind changes at all. When the headwind would change and it would pitch constantly I was checking to see if it was a F/CTRL bug because it looked like someone was pitching the nose up and down violently. A 152 is less disturbed by winds. 4. The cabin? There are freeware A/C that have better cabins. I am fine if it was lower quality but having no walls or anything when you walk past the curtains??? I noticed this was excluded from all the press shots and website images. The entire front lav looks like some one just pressed delete and left it. This is simply crazy I have never seen such a thing on a Payware A/C. 5. Sounds are all kinds of screwed up. The APU on the EXT view is louder then a space shuttle launch and if the gear is down the "wind" noise is so loud it would cause hearing damage to someone 10 miles away. Very disappointed.
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