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  1. For a plane developed specifically for MSFS2024, I find that the screens in full sun brightness are too dim, even when no sunlight is directly falling on the screens. Anyone else finding this ? Is it just an MSFS2024 issue ? Inibuilds A350 (ignore the slightly washed out color, that's from HDR, color is fine, brightness is not): Real:
  2. Hm, checking further, i came across this page: Seems like navigraph subscription is required for this to work ? I was under the impression from all the videos that in 2024 you can use the integrated Lido charts for that.
  3. Same. I checked in the options and Lido is selected as default charts, not navigraph.
  4. DERP! I was on the MSFS2024 version of the A350 in the liveries side menu 🙂 Nothing to see here!
  5. Hey, I have FS2020 purchased via Xbox App. I've moved the community folder to a different drive. I've purchased the A350, it installed just fine after configuring the folder, but whenever I try to install a livery, I get an error saying "Simulator installation path not configured!". Then it just hangs and doesn't even show up in the queue and I am unable to cancel the download, I need to shut down the app and re-open. I went to the configuration, selected the folder manually and even hit the Scan Now button and it said MSFS2020 folder found but with the same end result. I only have the MSFS2020 folder configured so it shouldn't look for anything else, this is clearly a bug. p.s. if I try to install another livery, it shows up as Queued, but since I cannot abort the installation of the previous one, it doesn't do anything. A piece of information though, in the Queue the livery is marked with MSFS2024, so maybe it always tries to install MSFS2024 livery, even though MSFS2024 doesn't exist.
  6. Isn't this the air currents option in the menu somewhere ? Found this on a quick google: Assistance options, then user experience and turn off “aerodynamic visualization”.
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