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  1. Turn on Tiller on Rudder in the EFB
  2. UPDATE: after leaving it on load for about 15mins it did load and subsequent load ups were only 45secs which is standard for me. So I'm guessing initial loader issues. Still no A350-900. IT LOOKS FANTASTIC though so lets be patient.
  3. Update! after leaving it on load for 15 mins it did load up. Next flight only about 45secs which is standard so I'm thinking a buggy Initial loader. Once Loaded it works FINE and looks FANTASTIC! Inibuilds will resolve this, the jet looks FANTASTIC! Just waiting on A350 -900 fix
  4. me too, despite placing it in same E drive / MSFS / Community Folder as my Fenix A319 321... I can only select A350-1000 and A350-900 is not there and when I select FLY loading Screen is stuck forever.
  5. same issue MSFS2020. I installed it in same community folder as Fenix A320 and freezes on startup. Filepath is (E) / MSFS / Community
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