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Everything posted by Delta_A350

  1. my engines fail midflight and I have plenty of fuel. the hype on this plane is crazy. I have the same ap issues too.
  2. it happened again and I had plenty of fuel.
  3. i didnt look good point.
  4. in the picture on the inimanager the Japan a350 had red faded winglets, in the sim there just white.
  5. some things in the cockpit are pink and checkered. like when a file doesn't work. engines randomly stopped then i couldn't bring the landing gear down.
  6. 30 mins out from my destination airport, engines completely shut down and the rat came out. (small turbine on belly on plane) which means engines don't work. I was going to fly into LAX but ended up diverting to ONT. on final, my gear didn't come down. I tried over and over again and nothing. I wish it worked a little better. I hope Inibuilds comes out with an update and fixes everything.
  7. the sound of the gear is SOOO loud too
  8. once I get to figure out the airplane, it works. besides the pink checkered stuff on landing gear, rim of cockpit windows, and more. I'm flying from ATL to LAX in the -900 and besides from the pink and having to adjust the heading every 5 seconds, it seems to be working. its the heading that's annoying too though. I always have to change it, unlike the LVFR a330-900neo and other airbus aircraft. the pink is rly annoying though.
  9. maybe it's just the weather bc no other aircraft have contrail.
  10. I'm doing a flight from KATL to KLAX in the Delta A350-900. I climbed to FL350, no contrail. I decided to go up to FL400, nothing. is this just how its built? is it only a fs24 thing? still don't know why some things ant textured and are pink and purple checkered. inibuilds better come out with an update soon. I'm going to get fs 24 soon so hopefully that helps.
  11. landing gear, window frames, all are pink and purple. the correct textures for them dont work. what could i do to fix it?
  12. yes same. im finding that some things in the cockpit are pinl and not working right
  13. the landing gear lever, and lots of other things are pink. airplane is good. but it took me 3 hrs of work to just to have it crash. now all the other planes i own are gone. 9/10 aircraft, 0/10 for the process. this is wayy to hyped up about the, "one click and u have it" MY MOUSE IS BROKE NOW!! I cant even. i was so excited for 8 months and all i have now is frustration.
  14. the landing gear lever, and lots of other things are pink. airplane is good. but it took me 3 hrs of work to finally get it to crash. now all the other planes i own are gone. 9/10 aircraft, 0/10 for the process. this is wayy to hyped up about the, "one click and u have it" MY MOUSE IS BROKE NOW!!
  15. the airplane is on the marketplace and says "sold out" but u click on it, and it says coming soon. it's almost time guys! the a350 is one of my favorites and I've been waiting for this inibuilds a350 for a whole year! just want to know what time.
  16. what time will it be available for public? it comes out 2mro but what time
  17. I saw from a msfs website that content creators have a a350 and that it officially releases tomorrow! is that true? if so what time
  18. umm, it was just bugged out i fixed it
  19. I opened inimanager and added my community path and everything, went to liveries, then a350, on a delta livery, hit download, and I understand. I only have 1 livery in my downloads but it's not downloading, it's in queue. nothing else in my downloads, how do I get it to download? This is very confusing.
  20. if i buy in there store, do i just put it in my community folder and then its there? ive never bought anything off their store
  21. what do i do with that #
  22. no liveries are showing up when I go to the liveries tab. any help would be greatly appreciated.
  23. well, at least for msfs2020 the, marketplace updates on Thursday.
  24. Hey, could u pls help me. people are saying there finding a350 liveries on the inimanager. I'm not seeing anything. could u pls give me guidance? also how much will this cost? does it arrive on msfs2020 marketplace on Thursday? IM JUST SO EXCITED! if u could pls comment and help me out that would be great!
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