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  1. b747

    Marker sound

    No sound coming out when hitting outer marker middle marker etc
  2. b747

    Marker sound

    Hello i ahve selected marker option but no sound coming out Thanks
  3. Hello, i have a question. Is the follwing behaviour correct? -- the IRS are not aligned but the Plan mode displays route and knows where i am, is this correct? Thanks!
  4. Disregard, i was missreading the indicators
  5. Thank you!
  6. Hello, as you can see from the image attached the left NAC indicator is showing 0 although the arow is showing a positive reading
  7. Hello, the brake pressure indicator only works with parking brakes on, it does not show any pressure when applaying the brakes on taxi or any other situation other than parking brakes on
  8. Hello, same as in the a310, the a330 will start up and its engine run while the fuel pumps are all off. Is this realistic?
  9. Hello I have a question to which i can´t find an answer. The engines will start will all the fuel pumps off, is this behaviour correct? I know that for the APU this behaviour is correct because it has its fuel pump operated of its own. Thank you
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