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Everything posted by CptFerox

  1. Yeah this needs to be fixed ASAP. I was able to load in once on release day. Since then I am stuck in the loading screen. Tried deleting the WASM folder and even completely reinstalling. Even using the default livery doesnt help. Are there other work arounds to try out ?
  2. @richboy2307 Had the exact same issue as @Jorrallcorrall on my first long haul flight from EDDF to RJAA. Woke up in the morning to my AP Disconnected, Full TOGA and my Plane banking to the left. From the steps listed above i already had everything set up correctly, so intercepting keybinds should not have been the issue. Only thing i did now was adjust my power saving settings for my usb ports although i`m not sure that was the cause. Maybe someone else here was able to find a solution ?
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