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Everything posted by kams13

  1. bonsoir y aura t il une mise a jour de prevue pour ajouter une cabine au 350-1000 svp merci beaucoup
  2. je laisse plus de 20min le chargement du vol rien ne se lance je comprends pas
  3. Merci beaucoup je me disais pourquoi le téléchargement tourner en rond sans boucle sans que le vol se lance je ferais ça ce soir en rentrant merci beaucoup inibuilds
  4. bonsoir à tous le jeu reste en mode chargement sans que le vol se lance quand je prends le 350
  5. Good evening thank you ini for your A350 it looks magnificent but compared to the WIFI antenna it will be an option that we can put/remove or it will be directly installed according to the delivery thank you
  6. Hello just tell me that the fin on the outside of the engine cover of the 900 will be removed because it is only present on the 1000
  7. Good evening on the trailer I noticed that there was a fin on the exterior cover of the 350-900 engine while in reality this fin is not present on the exterior of the engines just on the 1000 variant yes this will be corrected?
  8. Good evening on the trailer I noticed that there was a fin on the exterior cover of the 350-900 engine while in reality this fin is not present on the exterior of the engines just on the 1000 variant yes this will be corrected?
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