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Everything posted by WebMaximus

  1. Bump...had the same issue on the new system which I later decided to return since I didn't see the performance improvement I has hoping for. Now back on my old rig, I still have the same issue. Surely others must be seeing the same thing with Ajaccio?
  2. Exactly, I saw that one too but like you kept it unchecked for the same reason. Would be nice to have the same type of update notification you find in most other similar tools.
  3. Is there a setting somewhere I missed where I can configure iniManager to let me know if there are any updates for my installed products when I launch iniManager or...is the only way by going to the My products page and manually check for the green checkmark for each product?
  4. Just about to rebuild my system where I'll be going from a 13900K -> 9800X3D and while looking over what program I have installed via the Control Panel in Windows, I noticed how the entry for LFKJ looks different than the other PESIM products installed. So looks like the installation program for LFKJ in one way or the other is different. Which I assume also is the answer why your iniManager won't recognize it being installed. Maybe you should reach out to PESIM and ask them about this and tell them how the current installation program for LFKJ results in the product not being recognized as installed by your software. Edited to add, I just noticed I actually have 2 entries for LFKJ with different dates...hmm... Well, will be interesting to see what happens when I reinstall the scenery on the new PC when I have it finished. This is what it looks like
  5. Here you go, a number of screenshots where I think they speak for themselves 🙂
  6. Hello Eddie! Already tried reinstalling the scenery and as for the GSX profile, I don't think that one could affect the actual looks of a jetway and also, I'm using the one which came with the airport, called lezl-mkstudios-rwprofiles.ini and lezl-mkstudios-rwprofiles.py. Will create a ticket with MK Studios and also ask them about the jetway extending automatically when getting close to it.
  7. Thanks for trying to help Eddie! Yes, the scenery is active and working perfectly fine. During the second installation and by that I mean once I have installed (which isn't really an installation but rather a download) the product via your iniManager and then launch the downloaded executable file for LFKJ, I pointed the PES installer to my MSFS2020 Community folder since I didn't like to have a scenery under Program Files (x86). First I thought maybe that was the problem. If your iniManager checks whether the product is installed by looking at that default location. That wasn't the case though because I just tried installing into this default location but the product still shows up as not installed in iniManager after restarting it. Now as a second step, I just tried deleting the folders you suggested but this didn't fix the issue either. The only it did was forcing me to redownload all PES products again since they all appeared as not installed after that maneuver. Good thing I have a quick Internet connection 😉 Something clearly isn't right with LFKJ and iniManager because I only have this issue with LFKJ and not with any of the other PES products I also bought at the same time. They all show up as installed in iniManager. I also noticed how you for LFKJ are referring to a file which never is downloaded and doesn't exist as seen in the screenshot below. So I think you need to look into this issue. Please also note how LFKJ is said to be installed right after the installation (download) via iniManager but next time you start iniManager, it will tell you LFKJ is not installed.
  8. To follow up on the same topic, today I was flying out of LEZL and was parked at the same gate. This time, the jetway was extracted when I loaded the flight and when calling for boarding via GSX, the jetway extended as expected and this time, the passengers was visible. So all good except for a new issue I found where the jetway when extended is missing a part in the middle. Making the boarding experience quite an adventure for the PAX 😂
  9. Tonight, I flew into LEZL for the first time and parked at gate 8 which has a jetway. When I was approaching the stand, the jetway starting extending even before I reached the stop position. Meaning it attached by itself to the aircraft. The result of this when asking for deboarding via GSX Pro (which usually triggers the jetway to extend), the jetway instead retracted and I couldn't get it to extend again since the deboarding process had already started. Meaning I didn't see any passengers deboard. Not sure if this is an issue with only this gate or all gates with a jetway. Anyone else seen this and found a solution? Will ask over in the GSX support forum as well.
  10. Following up on this one, is there any way to fix the problem with LFKJ showing up as not installed even when it is?
  11. Yesterday, I bought 14 new airports via the iniBuilds store and very much looking forward to try them out! Never bought anything from iniBuilds before so this is an all new experience to me. After the purchase, I do find all the airports in iniManager which I downloaded and installed and the first airport I chose to try out is LFKJ by PES. Can't say the installation process was very impressive compared to what I'm used to using other platforms to install scenery but I guess that might differ depending on the developer of the scenery. Still, when sold via iniBuilds and installed using the iniBuilds Manager, I think there is room for improvement to stack up with the competition out there. One thing I've noticed now after having installed LFKJ is how according to iniManager, I still haven't installed it even when I have and I've verified the scenery has been found and is active in MSFS. For those of you at iniBuilds working on the iniBuilds Manager tool, what are your plans ahead to improve the tool and make the installation process easier for your customers?
  12. As the topic suggests, what am I supposed to put in here?
  13. I'm thinking of shopping some new European airports for MSFS2020 and need your advice guys which of those listed below are worth spending money on. I do all my flying in Europe in a B38M online on Vatsim. Thanks in advance for your advice and input! MXI Design Mytilene (LGMT) for MSFS-2020] (https://inibuilds.com/products/mxi-design-mytilene-lgmt-msfs?variant=43995821539576) Onfinal Studio Kirkenes (ENKR) for MSFS-2020] (https://inibuilds.com/products/onfinal-studio-kirkenes-enkr-msfs?variant=43853711245560) MXI Design Thessaloniki (LGTS) for MSFS-2020] (https://inibuilds.com/products/mxi-design-thessaloniki-lgts-msfs?variant=43569495015672) Fly2High Belgrade (LYBE) for MSFS-2020] (https://inibuilds.com/products/fly2high-belgrade-lybe-msfs?variant=43971755278584) Atelic Madeira (LPMA) for MSFS] (https://inibuilds.com/products/atelic-madeira-lpma-msfs?variant=53596876538236) iniBuilds Innsbruck (LOWI) for MSFS] (https://inibuilds.com/products/inibuilds-innsbruck-lowi-msfs?variant=53604097360252) MK-STUDIOS Porto (LPPR) for MSFS-2020] (https://inibuilds.com/products/mk-studios-porto-lppr-msfs?variant=45606532219128) PILOT'S Alicante (LEAL) for MSFS-2020] (https://inibuilds.com/products/pilots-alicante-leal-msfs?variant=43774781686008) MK-STUDIOS Bologna (LIPE) for MSFS-2020] (https://inibuilds.com/products/mk-studios-bologna-lipe-msfs?variant=44248678269176) MK-STUDIOS Seville (LEZL) for MSFS-2020] (https://inibuilds.com/products/mk-studios-seville-lezl-msfs?variant=44248663851256) Salvuz Bergen Flesland (ENBR) for MSFS-2020] (https://inibuilds.com/products/salvuz-bergen-flesland-enbr-msfs?variant=43690369089784) MK-STUDIOS Fuerteventura (GCFV) for MSFS-2020] (https://inibuilds.com/products/mk-studios-fuerteventura-gcfv-msfs?variant=44248670142712) M'M Simulations Tromso (ENTC) for MSFS] (https://inibuilds.com/products/mm-simulations-tromso-entc-msfs?variant=42737795825912) Pilot Experience Sim Montpellier (LFMT) for MSFS-2020] (https://inibuilds.com/products/pilot-experience-sim-montpellier-lfmt-msfs?variant=43443337789688) Pilot Experience Sim Ajaccio (LFKJ) for MSFS-2020] (https://inibuilds.com/products/pilot-experience-sim-ajaccio-lfkj-msfs?variant=43443349094648) MK-STUDIOS Malaga (LEMG) for MSFS-2020] (https://inibuilds.com/products/mk-studios-malaga-lemg-msfs?variant=44221389373688) Pilot Experience Sim Biarritz (LFBZ) for MSFS-2020] (https://inibuilds.com/products/pilot-experience-sim-biarritz-lfbz-msfs?variant=43443381436664) Pilot Experience Sim Brest-Bretagne (LFRB) for MSFS-2020] (https://inibuilds.com/products/pilot-experience-sim-brest-bretagne-lfrb-msfs?variant=44002040578296) Pilot Experience Sim Bordeaux (LFBD) for MSFS-2020] (https://inibuilds.com/products/pilot-experience-sim-bordeaux-lfbd-msfs?variant=43443363315960) MK-STUDIOS Lisbon (LPPT) for MSFS-2020] (https://inibuilds.com/products/mk-studios-lisbon-lppt-msfs?variant=53599258968444) MK-STUDIOS Zurich (LSZH) for MSFS] (https://inibuilds.com/products/mk-studios-zurich-lszh-msfs?variant=54843225407868) iniBuilds Ponta Delgada (LPPD) for MSFS] (https://inibuilds.com/products/inibuilds-ponta-delgada-lppd-msfs?variant=43951117369592) iniBuilds Dubrovnik (LDDU) for MSFS-2020] (https://inibuilds.com/products/inibuilds-dubrovnik-lddu-msfs?variant=45480079819000)
  14. I'm considering adding some new airport sceneries to spice up the old and trusty MSFS2020 now when MSFS2024 didn't turn out exactly as most of us hoped. At least not yet. As the topic suggests, are there any discounts if I would buy multiple airports? I did find a number of interesting ones (never been in your store before) and currently have 15 in my cart. Might add even more or remove some based on what reviews I can find.
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