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  1. Really? Only now?
  2. So latest update states that Inibuilds is “working very hard on Xbox build”. What? I thought the working hard had already happened. I thought the Xbox build was already parked with Asobo and MS? I thought I had some version of the truth and some hope that Xbox was close.
  3. I’ve given up asking this question - nobody tells.
  4. Of course not.
  5. Inibuilds have said no cabin for Xbox.
  6. Nobody, anywhere, seems to know.
  7. But not for Xbox. Inibuilds have said they have completed Xbox version and it is with MS.
  8. Yes, not sure what to expect performance or graphics-wise.
  9. We need to keep things polite and respectful no matter the level of frustration.
  10. Gutted. And still in the dark. Come on, really?!
  11. Inibuilds must know as MS likely to inform them of such a big launch and for them to be prepared for a surge of traffic on bug forums from Xbox summers.
  12. Given all the problems being reported here for A350 on pc, I worry what state it will be in for Xbox.
  13. And another month further on and still no resolution to this. I can’t be the only one who finds this quite ridiculous and unacceptable.
  14. I was excited that it was used on the flash screen for the marketplace when I loaded into Xbox last night, but then saw it said for ‘pc’. Damn. Teasing. Blast. Also - thought the marketplace only updated on a weekly basis, so nothing, at the earliest, until next Thursday.
  15. Given the reported bugs on PC, I think Xbox release is a long time away.
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