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Everything posted by Nocaps123

  1. Why does INI refuse to respond to this post here or threads about the same issue in discord?
  2. Just tried loading the A350, popping out the screens then reloading with the A330 and it works. So this functionality does exsist, it seems to be an issue where while in the A330 its not picking up that you are keying the Right ALT button to launch the popout. This definitly needs to be fixed. I tried it with the A350, and can get almost all the screens to display popped out in the A330, however missing a few such as lower/upper ecam, and MCDU. Tried with the A310, same thing works, just not the right screens. Tried with the INI A320 as the screens in theory would be the same but this does not work, it expands/chops up the PFD accross all the popouts. You need to fix this
  3. Inibuilds team! why does this still not work!!!!
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