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D Dragon

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Everything posted by D Dragon

  1. From the above thread, Inibuilds confirmed that TCAS is a known issue right now and they recommend not enabling it: "We have identified something similar and working on a fix already; so yes, avoid TCAS for the time being 😉"
  2. For reference, I have been flying the v1.02 A350 without any significant issues (other than pilot error) since it was released, and I am cursed with some of the weirdest bugs in MSFS 2024. I would recommend the following to give the A350 the best chance of working: Use the MSFS 2024 beta build even after the release of SU1 - it's probably a good idea to stick with the beta build at least through SU2, as there are still numerous issues with the sim at this point. Completely delete the A350 WASM folder contents - this is critical. Update to V1.02 only after you have deleted the WASM folder contents. Do an initial instantiation of the aircraft on a runway and let the aircraft systems initialize before ending the flight (or just take off - hey, you're already on the runway!) Hopefully these steps will make the plane flyable for you - I feel like if it can work on my very problematic MSFS 2024 install, it can probably work anywhere.
  3. I have noticed that since the latest MSFS 2024 SU1 beta update (on 2/13) the aircraft systems will randomly reboot and go into an unstable state, with odd behavior such as rapidly cycling pack valves or resetting fuel levels. The aircraft will go from completely normal configuration with no issues to the avionics power cycling followed by random instabilities and an unusable aircraft configuration. This has happened on 4 flight attempts since the latest SU1 update. I have tried clearing the MSFS 2024 cache as well as clearing / resetting the aircraft WASM files, but the behavior has persisted.
  4. I would check to see if your TOGA button on the Airbus TQ is explicitly mapped to TO GA in the msfs controller settings. You can just go to settings -> controls -> Airbus TQ and do a search by input - press your TOGA button and see if TO GA is mapped to it.
  5. That worked - setting the ignition to off fixed the depressurization at altitude - thank you for the guidance! And yes, I figured out the altitude performance as well. Thank you again!
  6. I have noticed on my past few flights that I am consistently getting a cabin pressurization failure above FL300 (more or less). At lower altitudes the pressurization functions, though it does not seem to pressurize the cabin at an expected value - the cabin altitude seems to be higher than expected at a given altitude, and the cabin pressure altitude discrepancy increases as the aircraft altitude increases. At altitudes above FL300, the pressurization eventually just gives up and the cabin depressurizes completely. Am I missing some pressurization procedure setup prior to takeoff? The pressurization system seems to default to auto settings initially, so I do not change them. Also, the FMC gives a cruise altitude above max flight level message at FL360 - isn't the A300 rated to FL400 for cruise?
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