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  1. This is what I am wondering from the first second I bought it. I must have been one of the first 10 people who bought it. And this really means something... I bought it as I was sitting on the toilet 😁
  2. I had the same issue yesterday, however on the ground. In the middle of FMC programming, all displays stopped responding, no clicking into FMC, no changes on ND or PFD, while changing something. OID was only active.
  3. Why no GSX boarding pax? For performance optimization, all that can be hidden, possibly unloaded?, when the cockpit door closes.
  4. Hello, there is a weird trembling of the engine in flight. I am aware of the effect on the ground where the engine slightly swings on certain N1, but in flight? Also sometimes is slightly swinging too. I don't believe that is intended? How can I post a video? It has 18mb.
  5. Same. Please fix!
  6. Used GSX to refuel... why this remained open? Is there no warning about that?
  7. I have all the GSX issues, plus no pushback... the a/c is just sitting there, after the ridiculous gear-rising-animation of the GSX truck. I somehow don't believe that the gear is decompressed while the pushback-truck is raising the gear. I might be wrong, as I am no Airbus pilot, but seems illogical. Oh yeah, and I have to press each command in GSX twice, for it to register.
  8. I think I just had the same issue.
  9. Well, not much to say... I was attempting to delete pilot stored wpts, and suddenly the whole FMC froze, I can't click in, I can't ESC it, no keyboard, no control, nothing. In fact, none of displays are reacting any more. Changing zoom on ND, does not change on the display. OIS does work though. I guess the only fix will be to leave the flight and rebuild it from scratch.
  10. kosta

    Fuel calculation off

    Also, Simbrief OFP and what aircraft calculates also is pretty much off... maybe also the reason for the big disrepancy.
  11. kosta

    Fuel calculation off

    900. There were no step climbs in the simbrief flight plan so no, I did not. Winds, yes, of course. Same for OAT and TRP.
  12. Using the simbrief profiles from here, the fuel calculation is off. Using something like P05, does not calculate enough fuel in the FMC. Either is the profile off or the calculation in FMC. I have to up the fuel by 5T on the flight from EDDF to OMDB, which is about 10% more, to get to what I would like to have, about 5T on landing. Wrong subforum: should go into systems. This is causing further issues with flights done with OnAir and fuel planning.
  13. kosta

    GSX Boarding Issue

    Passenger boarding seems bugged. After boarding, I seem to have all passengers displayed as boarded, but TOTALS are empty. Also GW says -- KG.
  14. In before start checklist below the line, there is thrust levers idle green checkpoint. It is always green, no matter the thrust lever position.
  15. I also wasn't able to reproduce the issue today. I can't say whether it's an update or some other setting, but right now I am grounding (means: uninstalling) the A350 generally, due to general usability issues and multiple and repeated crashes.
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