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Everything posted by nikita_567

  1. I do not hear any cabin announcements in the cockpit. I have PA button turned on to full volume. What do you need to do to trigger them? This is in FS 2020. Thank you
  2. nikita_567

    Bad FPS

    I am not sure why but A350 performs horrible in FS 2020 and I have RTX 4090 and I9 14900k with 96GB RAM. Fenix is butter smooth. All Inibuild planes perform bad for me in 2020. IN 2024 its very smooth. I compared both Fenix and A350 at the same airport and same conditions. Even in external view, its performs bad when panning. Can someone help, maybe there something wrong with my setup or something I need to install or uninstall. I have no anti virus running or anything of that matter.
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