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  1. Hey there, I have another suggestion which I pretty much spotted back during the teasing phase of the A350 but now that we have it and can generate own views I am certain that something is off on the main gear. I attached two pictures below. The first one is a real A350 (Lufthansa doesn´t use brake fans on their´s). It´s a screenshot from a video which you can find here: The 2nd screenshot is from within the sim showing another Lufthansa A350 without brake fans. I painted a dashed line to make sure what I´m talking about is made obvious. Would be great if you could evaluate on the gear geometry a little more and change the model accordingly. Thank you.
  2. Hey there inibuilds team, I‘m really enjoying the A350 so far. Great work especially taking into account that it‘s been out for less than 24 hours. For watching landings from the outside I‘d just have a small suggestion for the landing gear on the -900 (haven‘t tried the -1000 so far so I can‘t tell). While the gear tilt has luckily be corrected, when you touch down at a pitch angle that is not equal to the tilt angle of the gear, the front tires seem to sink into the ground for a second before they slowly tilt upwards to have all main gear tires on the ground. In reality, pretty much once the front tires touch the ground, the aft tires instantly slam into the ground as well. Would be cool if that could be adjusted. After all we want the A330 to stay somewhat special with its gear mechanics🙂
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  3. A friend just confirmed that just pressing RSK1 and then doing the input that way worked just fine with no freeze appearing. Also, I entered ZFWCG the exact same was as neucoas.
  4. I had been sitting at the airport for quite some time waiting for a friend with the flight pretty much set up. ZFW already inserted, but not ZFWCG. Then I entered ZFWCG which worked, but pressing flightplan didn´t work anymore.
  5. I have to say, so far I didn’t try out the Headphone mode but the A320neo V2 is also extremely loud on my side. While it’s all fine with other airplanes, I really have problems with the A320neo volume. My ears start hurting after some time but I’d have to readjust all sounds specifically for the ini A320 every time as I also can’t hear VATSIM frequency traffic etc.
  6. Hey folks, happy to post here on the first day of the inibuilds A320neo being available to the public as part of the Beta program. Tried it out briefly, will have to find the correct settings for my joystick but that´ll work out for sure. However there´s obviously a few quesions that have instantly come to my mind now that we know about the range of, let me call it that way, features included. For now, we have the LEAP engines provided with the A320neo. We all know there´s major problems with the PW Turbofan irl but being the 2nd variant offered by Airbus, the PW engine option has and will have a significant share of operators deciding for that particular engine option. Given the A320neo is an aircraft which will shape aviation for the coming decades I think having all the engine options available is absolutely necessary. So with that said, my question towards the inibuilds team is if there are plans for adding the PW engine variant to the A320neo eventually. I don´t know the degree to which that would be possible but maybe also as separate expansion not offered via Asobo but inibuilds directly. Also of course there is my question on if there´s other parts of the A320neo family planned, at least the A321 version. For inibuilds again I think pushing the A321neo out as well would be logical, but once more I do not know to which degree you may use your own product which is officially Asobo´s however. Anyways, all in all I also want to thank the inibuilds team for bringing the A320neo to our sims to the extend of quality we all know and appreciate. Ofc there´s still bugs but I´m sure you´ll continue improving the aircraft, not only till initial public release which is currently scheduled for beginning of December, but also beyond the December release. Best regards and have some fun flying the modern way, Daniel
    Same for the engine textures as I´ve written in the reviews of D-ABHC + airberlin.com on the sharklet inner side is a little too big.
    Thanks for the great livery, really appreciate it. However, the airberlin.com writing on the engines is too small and the font itself is a little too thick. Maybe you can have a look at that once again.
  7. For sure, the A380 was initially planned for XP11 so I´m quite sure they´ll continue to develop the A380 for the sim. However, as they´re then probably developing it for XP and MSFS, two completely different simulators, I think it would be time to also bring this one to P3D. I don´t know if MSFS has already replaced P3D on the market for the A380 but XP is far behind P3D in terms of market for complex (and long haul) aircraft like any aircraft developed by inisimulations is (according to people who own XP and can therefore use and fly the A300, inisimulations aircraft seem to be pretty complex). We have a huge lack of high quality and complex Airbus aircraft for all of the three simulators. The A380 is probably one of the most wanted aircraft in any of these sim-communities and it has been for years, you could say for all time since it first took to the skies. If inisimulations should be the first one to really manage the development and the release(!) of a complex and high quality A380 for a simulator, no matter which one, after quite some developing studios having failed on this challenge so far, I think ini should bring their rendition to all of the three main simulators. No doubt. Apart from that, even though I can´t use inisimulations´ work just yet (but I do of course hope that I can in the near future), I´d like to thank you all for having taken to the 3rd party flight sim market bringing such good aircraft to our simulators. That´s very much appreciated.
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