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Everything posted by TheEvilToaster

  1. Its unfortunate but its because these aircraft are included with the base game ,and part of the MS product, they can't just update it like they can with a third party product. Any updates have to go through MS/Asobo QA testing before it gets released to us adding more time. IB aren't the only deveoper experiencing this, any fix or update they have that could be ready to go would now be in the hands of MS and its on them when it gets released.
  2. @richboy2307 I've made a quick video showing the deadzone and large, initial FBW spike that happens when you finally "overcome" the deadzone - It feels like you're fighting the aircraft as it wants to remain perfectly stable. Its this inital spike that makes small corrections, such as on approach, very hard to do as more often than not the initial spike is larger than what you wanted to input. This spike and deadzone only happens in Normal Law.
  3. I've noticed the FD on the HUD does not any lateral guidance like the PFD does. Its making the HUD feel useless and I end up flying without it majority of the time and almost impossible to follow an ILS approach using it. Here is an example. HUD --- Notice how there is only a single horizonal line to help with vertical guidance but nothing to show and help with lateral guidance PFD --- Showing both vertical and lateral guidance with the help of the small circle in the center, this is not shown on the HUD Here is a photo from the real aircraft showing the HUD has both lateral and vertical guidance as it is certified to be used as a PFD. Notice the small diamond and circle in the center. Credit - https://x.com/Seb_Lanc99/status/937786778798485504/photo/1 Can we also have the option to change the left screen to something other than a PFD as shown in the image above? Thanks
  4. @CptSpeirs Great vid mate, shows the issue perfectly. Even if the roll stability is a feature of the real aircraft, it's currently overtuned in the sim and corrects/overcorrects/stabilises roll too fast and aggressively. To me, the only way i can describe it in it's current form, is it feels like I'm just rotating the aircraft model instead of "flying" the aircraft -- for lack of a better term. It feels great when Direct Law is selected on the overhead. @richboy2307 I hope this roll stability can be tweaked a little in future.
  5. Its been reported on Discord and looks like to be a bug with temps under 0C. Any temp below 0C will cause engines to be unresponsive even if started.
  6. @richboy2307 Thanks for the response. Yea, I thought it was correct behaviour, which is completely fine. My only issue with it, is feel very aggressive. Instead of improving stability it stops the roll immediately and is too strong, maybe it could be reduced a little bit? It just feels like the aircraft is ignoring all wind and is perfectly stable, like, too stable -- You can just put a bank angle in and it just stays there. Its makes making minor corrections on approach feel horrible and strange. I do have all assists turned off.
  7. Confirming I'm seeing this too. From 0-10 deg they match up, but anything higher and they are miss-matched by around 5 degrees or more.
  8. I can't edit my previous comment. I've been watching the FCTL page while rolling. It looks like after a roll input stops, the aircraft is inputting a small opposite roll input to stop the roll. I'm assuming this is correct behaviour... it still feels wrong/weird.
  9. The only thing I've noticed with the roll rate is it feels like there is no inertia at all. As soon as you stop inputting a roll input, the aircraft instantly stops rolling and is held there. It feels wrong and is very noticable at slow speeds on approach when making small inputs. ALL other iniBuilds Airbus aircraft I've tried DON'T feel like this at all and each have a slight ammount of interia after releasing the roll input.
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