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  1. I just flew into SBRJ, RNP V RWY20L, and upon engaging APPR, it seems the FLS got activated and the plane never captured the RNP guidance at all. Now I don't know if maybe I did something wrong, or this is supposed to happen, or the indications are fine but the RNP is just not working at all? Video of the whole arrival and approach for reference. KATLSBRJ_PDF_1741783515.pdf
  2. I initiated a step climb to the OPT FL as initiated on the FMS, from FL380 to FL400, and it took the plane about 10 minutes to climb to it. It was also climbing at M0.81 instead M0.84 given by the FMS. OTHHEKCH_PDF_1741611056.pdf
  3. All the screens froze as soon as I selected the RNVZ36 appr. WSSSVRMM_PDF_1741434873.pdf
  4. If it's realistic, then what's the point of managed speed? I doubt it.
  5. You described what's visible in the video, yes. However, that's not normal behavior and using OP DES is not the solution.
  6. It happens both under 10000 and above 10000, but I noticed it happens more often under 10000, on every flight. Two screenshots taken a few minutes apart at different altitudes:
  7. I've been encountering these lag spikes during cruise on every flight so far. Link to the video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1b_WoLLBS1VNt6lvDoGsI-POi9LWeHdVN/view?usp=sharing
  8. It happened on 3 flights I did, EDDM-EGLL, EGLL-EDDM, and KORD-KBOS. It was happening when descending in the managed descent mode while using spoilers, it doesn't seem to affect open descent, at least it didn't the one time I tried it. Video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Ksf96TMlqlFh4ssE-R0hgkM5Nc-jm65E/view?usp=sharing (download for better quality)
  9. Video of the problem - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zaVCg1p1cvFZnPqzuFswijVbKm_-BbJr/view?usp=sharing
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