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Everything posted by CptSpeirs

  1. Hi, @Eddie I've seen that it seams to have a little update inside SU1 beta? But I think not on the aileron problem. Is there a timeline for that?
  2. A good example for the shutdown:
  3. @TheEvilToaster: Thank you for your perfect addition!
  4. @richboy2307: I made a video which shows my point. I absolutely believe that it is much more agile than a normal airliner. I think after the "deadzone" of the FBW system, the first movement is too violent. Its sometimes overcorrecting but there is no input from the controller. And with the slightest manual input, the aileron literally jumps around. And for example: In this video on the approach of a real A400M in germany, you see very smooth movements on the aileron. Thanks for check this again and please reduce the first movement after the deadzone. Then it will be the perfect plane for me in MSFS 2024. 🙂
  5. @richboy2307: Thanks for the answers! How about the checklist?
  6. A manual would be awesome! I think they said in the dev stream, that it has a detailed manual...
  7. Yes I know its much more agile then A320 for example. When I look at the flight controls page: I see very little movements on the aileron but the plane in the air moves at the same amount of aileron not a bit. And when I then give a little bit more then somewhere comes something like the end of a „deadzone“ and the plane „jumps“ a few degrees. Like I would have a deadzone in the settings and then a very high curve of sensitivity. Maybe it has to do with the FBW system…
  8. Hi, here a few things a have seen so far in my first 4 flights with the great A400M: When you power up the airplane with all screens on and then go outside and then into the plane again - the screens going into self test again. Chocks need to be removed outside AND on the tablet. It should be enough to take them away on the outside. I cant scroll in the integrated checklist. For example when I will skip a checklist. The headup display starts flickering when you go bit further back and have low zoom (like 5% or less). On descent and approach: The plane starts oscillating on pitch axis and autothrottle. They fight each other. 🙂 I have seen two times that the flight plan have little issue on the approach and will to a 360 at one waypoint. But maybe thats a MSFS problem?! Zürich: NEGRA2A / ILS 14 AMI14 München: BETO1B / ILS 26L OTT
  9. Hi guys Is it only me? I think the aileron responsiveness is much more agressive then the pitch axis. I can barely maintain a smooth and stable approach when handflying. I have turned down the responsive curve but that doesn't help much. The plane seems to ignore very little movments on the aileron. I can fly other planes with same setup without any problems.
  10. CptSpeirs


    Hi Yes, you can. 1. Go to NAV 2. You will see CSTR on the left.
  11. For me too. Thanks!!
  12. The lights don't work for me either.
  13. Hi I can't get the autothrottle into the reverse anymore. The value of my throttleaxis in the calibration is at 0 and the "MAX REV" is at the bottom. All other detents works correctly but not the reverse. I tried the tip from the FAQ to switch between yes and no reverse on axis but that didn't help. I have the thrustmaster airbus throttle quadrant. The axis are well calibrated outside of MSFS and shown correctly in the EFB. The throttle are binded to "Trottle 1 Axis (0-100%)" ,"Trottle 2 Axis (0-100%)" and so on. Sensitivity is all linear at standard. What am I doing wrong here? Best regards
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