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  1. Hi, other airports made by you dont have theese exissive white areas like Innsbruck have ... i check it with my other Airports made by iniBuilds What im referring to are thees areas ... top switched on (switched of "apron"s) within LittleNavmap, down switched off As the other inibuild airports dont make use of, whatever it is, and no other airport i ever saw, im asking.... (the other might use it too, but use it within extra bgl's file which i generally disable (i dont need any non-aviation related 'fancy stuff'for flying)
  2. A last word: I love this scenery.... the ambient sounds of birds and other animals are super nice and finally got Innsbruck free of monumental static planes placed by ORBX for the eternity 🙂
  3. Something to add..... i took a look into the airports bgl file (after converting into xml...) ..... there are 91445 !!! elements included.... (just a snippet) I compared it with simwings eddm ... a huge airports which has only 15250 elements ... (most of them are taxiways, path etc ... which are nearly non existent in lowi ...) ... so why ... ?
  4. Hi, after loading the scenery into Little Navmap i came about this looking of LOWI ... I only have airports visible in LNM so it is close to conclude that a lot of Environment structures are made of airport structures..... let me be direct: This way of design an airport is not it should be designed... and its the first ever i saw were airport structures are abused for .... and i have a lot of addon airports in msfs and had before in msfs 98, 2000, 2002, fsx .... Why did you do this ?
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