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Everything posted by RoYMeN

  1. Hello, This issue has been fixed pending a push from Microsoft. It is not up to us when to deliver content and updates for said content; entirely up to Microsoft's schedule. Please refer to the MS forums if you have any feedback regarding default aircraft. Thank you Looks like MSFS team forgot ini build files for updating the 320 flood light,
  2. RoYMeN

    Lights !!!

    I recently flew in a Neo and I have flown in some Sharklets and I can see a somewhat timid reflection of the flashing, my problem is that the lights do not illuminate, that is to say, the cabin lights are fused.
  3. Hello everyone, I think that above all it is a very excellent product although it has some small problems, the cabin lights as well as the dome light and the panel lights are annoying, they do not work as one would like, in flight through control networks (VATSIM, IVAO) the frequency that communicates to the ATC is the Stand by, when the LS option has not been selected in the EFIS panel it does not send the announcement. (LS flashing on the PFD). Additionally, the dynamics in terms of power seem a bit exaggerated. THANKS IN ADVACE
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