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  1. Hello everyone, on a flight to EGLL i noticed that in profile mode the speed drops to 224kts before waypoint Logan on the Logan2H STAR. Prior reching Wesul speed increases again to 250kts and thereafter reducing again to 220kts prior reaching Lam. After studying the Charts i only found speed restrictions of 250kts at Wesul and 220kts at Lam. Is there any reason to reduce speed so much before reaching Logan, just to accelerate at Wesul again? I also tried to change the speed in the MCDU to 280/FL250. I could insert this speed behind the waypoint that it showed LOGAN xxxx 280/FL250, but nevertheless it still reduced to 224kts. Well of course i can keep up speed manually, but i cant explain this behaviour and i´m not sure if this is a bug or a feature. I'am also using the navigraph navdata.
  2. I found this old thread after I experienced the same problem today. I was descending in vertical speed mode. As i approached Fl250 i got the ALT* in my PFD. Instead of changing into Altitude Hold mode, it changed into level change (level change button on fcu turned green) and descended through the selected Fl250 without signs of leveling off and returning. I really dont know what happend and I wasnt even able to replicate it. I tried everything to do it again, but it was impossible to even select level change manually when Alt* appeared on the PFD. I guess this is something that will ocure rarely but nevertheless i wanted to let you know.
  3. Hello everyone, this week i flew twice to EGLL with the A310 from inibuilds in MSFS. On both days I used live weather with "realistic" turbulence settings. Both days the METAR said winds with 5-7kt, 20-30° offset from the runway heading. So I was prepairing for a smooth and easy approach, but IT was totally different. The speed was fluctuating a lot (+/- 6-7kt). So much that the autothrust had no chance to hold the approach speed. Furthermore the airplane was yawing a lot and overall it felt really unrealistic. Because of this i downloaded the free trial of real turb cat areas v2 and its a day and night difference. Is anybody else using this turbulence addon? If yes what settings are you using? For now I'am using 100/60/60 but i'm curious what your settings are. Of course my goal is to find the most realistic setting, but its hard to evaluate for me as a non real life airline pilot. Let's make this beautiful addon as real as it gets.
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