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Alien0071 last won the day on September 17 2024

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  1. Thanks for the feedback. I can use my created character with proper flight suit and helmet with oxygen mask for now and not use a co-pilot. The model looks fine when configured in this manner but I would hope you are looking for a solution to this as seeing an airline pilot with no oxygen mask is not very realistic unless you were staying below 10,000 feet. I know you stated this is how the new sim handles pilot/character models for the time being but I will keep my fingers crossed that we can have your original pilot and co-pilot in the future. Thank you for moving my post and your consideration on this subject.
  2. In the new MSFS 2024 we have to create a character and I always like to have an authentic looking pilot with appropriate flight suit, helmet and oxygen mask. I find it strange in the simulator that we can not have a properly attired co-pilot. I do like that the size of the pilot is represented as a little better size (as in taller) with the created character. I was hoping that Microsoft/ Asobo will give us more options on the co-pilot or that inibuilds will work on having a new pilot and co-pilot option for us in the future. In any case thank you very much for this new release
  3. I agree Tim-HH. I have no idea what is behind constantly changing the way flightsim aircraft are painted. This was the case when the T-33 was released as noted by many talented painters. It just makes the simulator less desirable to many users. What is wrong with having the ability to represent properly the many aircraft of all types in the real world. It can't be just copyright issues as we see so many freeware liveries of all kinds. This must be so frustrating to the many great artist such as yourself. I have enjoyed the liveries you did for the initial T-33 release. It boggles the mind as to why. Thank you very much.
  4. I love the interest this aircraft has stirred up and the truly knowledgeable people commenting on this T-33. It really shows how many people are so dedicated to aviation and have a perfectionist attitude. Don't ever give up insisting on the best possible quality whether on aircraft or in everyday life. It is always the best recipe for success. Really interesting and informative with all your provided links. Thanks
  5. Amazing looking livery jocko417. I had commented to you about 21013 and various combinations of markings and low and behold you create another beautiful livery of 21168. This is really looking great. I can't believe how fast you are learning to work with the paint kit and forming your template. Your liveries make me reminisce of the good old days when the RCAF had substantial aircraft in service and a much larger force than present. I thank all Canadian military personnel for past and present service. jocko417 your work is truly so nice to see and reinforces my support our Canadian Forces.
  6. I just wanted to let your team know that when using the external view when taking off, the landing gear retracts and doors thunk closed but the sound of the thunk or closing noise is well after the gear is up and doors are closed. I am usually retracting the flaps when I hear the sound for the gear and doors. I don't believe the sound is intended at all for the flaps as I don't think the flap retraction would be that loud. Seems just a matter of adjusting the timing to match when gear and doors close. Just a bit sooner. Love this T-33. Thank you inibuilds
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  7. Just wondering which company you picked for the Montreal CYUL airport and is the last screenshot in Montreal.
  8. Wow jocko417. Your attention to detail is amazing and the work on this livery is so well done. When I first saw that many artists not very happy with the paint kit, I just thought that something wasn't quite right when looking at the aft fuselage and the the markings not looking right on the Canadian liveries. You seem to have a great source of personal knowledge on all the aircraft you have been painting as well as really nice photos for comparison. I really hope that inibuilds take this into account. The model would be just that much more accurate and allow painters to properly get the correct decal placement. This is a really good catch on the external model. I will keep my fingers crossed that this might be able to be fixed. It would really be a necessary change as the outlet port is clearly way to low. The electrical ground panel door and the tail nav light being depicted correctly would be very nice to implement into the model. I really hope inibuilds are able to consider doing these changes for accuracy. This T-33 is one of the best military iconic jets in MSFS 2020 and these little improvements would be greatly appreciated if someone could have a look at these few important details. I love the fact that many of the people interested in this aircraft have family that flew the T-33, worked on or have actually had engineering experience with this airframe. Thanks for your dedication and work on the repainting and accuracy to detail jocko417
  9. That looks really nice. Great to see your the nice attention to color and your insignia placement. I am wondering if you are using Blender 3D? I found some really neat info on the T-33's used at 1(F) O.T.U. Chatham N.B. They were using a number of T-33 A's built in Burbank California. They had R.C.A.F. markings. I found five tail numbers used in a 10 exercise course at the end of July 1952. They all had numbers 14678, 14680, 14682, 14687 and 14693. I found a nice set of pictures on Caspir of 14687. Looking really good jocko417
  10. Spoke too soon. I have just been on the inibuilds app and updated. I noted all the changes including optional engine. Looking forward to the new pilots. Thank you
  11. Fuerza Aérea Colombiana. Does that ever look nice!! I am really liking the new update. I am so glad your team brought this aircraft and are continually tweaking so far. I know this has been mentioned about the pilots being too low, but is there anyone able to mod this or perhaps allow for switching from the default pilots? All bare metal liveries are welcome, can't wait for your new liveries. Thanks
  12. Your livery looks very nice. Are you considering releasing it on flightsim.to? This is a nice comparison showing the pilots being too low in the cockpit. My dad was the same stature as me while flying 28 years in the RCAF as a test pilot. at around 145-155 pounds and a smaller stature pilot, he still was sitting very much higher in the cockpit. I would love to see a fix for this in the future. I know inibuilds are aware of this problem. These sequence of photos are of my father doing ejection seat testing on October 8, 1957 near Uplands Ottawa,Ontario. The inibuilds pilots look to be about 4 foot 6 feet tall.
  13. I would like to thank scorpionbc for this really great National Research Council T-33. I took a screen right over the whole NRC compex in Ottawa and another showing the close proximity to Rockliffe airport. I remember my father in his uniform telling my mom that he was just heading up to the NRC. I just remember it the National Research Council sounded important to a kid as well as Rockliffe and Uplands( now Macdonald-cartier International Airport. I found three different houses we lived in just a short distance from the NRC and Rockliffe. Thanks for the great livery and old memories.
  14. Just the last couple of shots.
  15. Here are a few more showing the location of an RCAF dummy ejection test. I used google maps, my father's log books and this real photo to find the location in Ottawa, Ontario. The Locks in the photo are the Rideau Canal Lockstation 13 Black rapids. I believe the ejection took place heading in a southerly direction just about to cross the Rideau River. Take off from Ottawa International YOW from runway 25 and the Locks are on the right going over the Rideau River. I am quite sure looking at the photo that the aircraft was easily at or below 1000 feet AGL. The path of flight was clearly descending. An awful lot to pay attention to when doing low altitude testing. You can even see a small square building and rectangular long building in the photo, screens and google maps. Thanks inibuilds
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