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  1. I just read the change log for 1.0.4 in the hope this had been fixed but sadly looks like it has not been addressed yet, really need this addressed for both sims
  2. I will try again this morning, this was at IniBuilds LEIB. My GSX is up to date. I used Gate 28 at LEIB yesterday several times and had the same problem.
  3. Hi All, I decided to jump in the A320 Neo today for the first time in a while and I cannot for the life of me get GSX Pro to push me back from the gate, I can initiate a pushback from the GSX menu then nothing happens and if I open GSX again it just says have a good trip in place of where the prepare for pushback and departure was previously. Anyone seen this and know what to do to fix the issue? Thanks in advance
  4. OK I did have another GSX profile, I will remove everything then try with just the one from Ini Manager I will report back, Thank you
  5. Hello All, I just purchased EGLL to go with my new Fenix A319 & A321, when I spawn at a gate the quality does not look good at all, It is impossible to use the safe dock as I cannot make out what it is saying and over all the textures do not look great. I have the high resolution textures selected in Ini Manager. I also uninstalled the default Asobo EGLL but it made no difference. You will see what I mean from the picture, even the gate number seems really low resolution. Anything I am doing wrong? Thanks in advance for any help
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