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Colokent last won the day on August 24 2024

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  1. "Do-oh!" You are correct. I completely screwed that up, didn't I? Now I'm having a hard time believing SSW will now continue development on their T-33... Kent
  2. THANK YOU, Steve on the texture/paintkit due diligence!!!! BTW-- I have not suffered any crashes...
  3. Colokent

    T-33 Numbers

    So...it seems like Wild Blue is hard to find-- and $100 or so to buy. Would love to read both. BTW...Chick's son Bob was flying some of the Canadian warbirds last I heard.
  4. Um....they joined forces with inibuilds...so there is no second T-33 out there.
  5. Hoping the Inibuilds team will a.) pay attention to JKs comment, and b) take prompt action to correct it. The sales increase likely gained on the ability to do proper military and other repaints should more than justify a texture remap, then release of a well thought-out, usable paint kit. This product is one of the first from Inibuilds that many of us have bought…so looking forward to seeing a customer-focused approach on this issue— and it is a HUGE one. The model is beautiful…get the FM tweaks in, correct the texturing issue, release a good paint kit… and you will have a home run on your hands.
  6. Colokent

    T-33 Numbers

    Man, this T-33 brings new meaning to "getting behind the power curve"! Get too slow at a low altitude, and recovery is difficult-- if not impossible...just like the real one.
  7. Good to hear it's "planned"....the T-33 is likely to attract a TON of repaints.
  8. Colokent

    T-33 Numbers

    Will there be a paintkit? No mention of that on the features on the order page...
  9. Colokent

    T-33 Numbers

    THAT...is cool. Chick Childerhose flew F-86s with 434 (Bluenose) Squadron in Zweibrucken...
  10. Colokent

    T-33 Numbers

    For more cool RCAF flying stories from the T-Bird's era, read "F-86 Sabre" by C.J. "Chick" Childerhose. GREAT book that captures the ethos of the mid to late 50s flying Canadian Sabres in NATO Europe and as part of the 1 Overseas Ferry Unit (OFU).
  11. Colokent

    T-33 Numbers

    Wouldn't be surprised if it did!
  12. Colokent

    T-33 Numbers

    Couldn't agree more. They've been touting 30 August for a week+, but daylight is quickly burning over in "Jolly Olde England", and "happy hour" in the pubs will be in full swing soon...can they actually deliver on schedule? We'll soon see.
  13. Colokent

    T-33 Numbers

    Try this for starters: https://www.aopa.org/news-and-media/all-news/2015/january/pilot/f_t33 And this: https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/tr/pdf/AD0258317.pdf <—-Check out who one of the authors is…he later became quite famous! …Now if we only had a T-33 to fly. Not looking good, so far
  14. Oh yeah...I am a fan of the Boeing chase T-Birds as well!
  15. And I just re-watched the You Tube video...you even have the hooks on the rear bottom of the fuselage where the travel pod connects already modeled! I CANNOT wait for this airplane-- I simply LOVE T-33s~!
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