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  1. Thanks for the reply, that would make sense. I just couldn’t find anyone else talking about the issue.
  2. Hello, I recently downloaded the T-33 for msfs 2024 on Xbox and I have run into a similar, yet slightly different issue. No matter how slowly I advance the throttle, I cannot get above ~65% RPM. If I am flying fast and near sea level I can get another ~15% RPM, but usually I can’t even reach the recommended 65% for warm up on the ground. I have seen videos where others are able to easily reach full throttle on takeoff at altitude, but at around 5000 feet, the engine will stall above about 45% throttle. Like I said, I am advancing the throttle VERY slowly(when reaching an RPM where I suspect the engine is about to stall, I have tried advancing the throttle by ~1% every few seconds and it stalls without fail). Am I doing something wrong or is this a bug? This issue prevents me from reaching speeds above 280kts at sea level and 220kts above 5-6k feet with exceptionally long takeoffs.
  3. So now that I can actually log onto Msfs again, I want to make some corrections to my previous posts since I was only writing from memory and made some mistakes. So the engine itself actually sounds pretty good in an external view from behind the aircraft, although it is mostly inaudible in most other camera positions, with the exception of inside the cockpit where the sound is mostly masked by the sound of the prop, which seems to be the actual culprit when it comes to the poor quality. It is especially noticeable if you let the engine idle in cockpit view or rotate the external camera to the front of the aircraft. At higher rpms, the quality problem seems to get better. Also, the startup sound effect has a clear cut off, exposing that it is just a short recorded file playing during start-up.
  4. Hello, thanks for the response. The Reno p51, for example. The engine sound is crisp and has a bit of bass to it. It isn’t perfect, but it is accurate and doesn’t sound muffled or low res. Considering the p-40f and p-51d share the Merlin engine, I would be satisfied if the p40 just used the p51 sounds. It’s just the way that they are now is, like I said, disappointing. Xbox is down at the moment so I cannot log on to listen again to get any more specific about what I am hearing, but if I can come up with anything other than it sounding “low res and muffled”, I will reply with a better description.
  5. I recently tried to start up the p-40f without priming the fuel system, running the fuel pump, or cracking the throttle to test the systems depth of the aircraft and to see how it reacted if you ignored the recommended procedures. I was disappointed to see that the moment you press the starter, the plane automatically adjusts multiple controls so that the aircraft starts via the standard recommended process no matter what. I can understand an auto start functionality for beginners, but some of the assists and missing features on this aircraft that are present to make the aircraft “easier” destroy the immersion and the educational experience I think most users get excited for. It is very disappointing when you aren’t allowed to fail, intentionally or not, in a flight sim product because of artificial and non-disableable “accessibility” features.
  6. A huge part of the immersion in flight simulator are the sounds. Unfortunately the sounds for the IniBuilds P-40F’s engine sound like they were recorded on a 2006 Toshiba laptop placed inside a padded box, particularly at lower rpms. This aircraft is advertised as having sounds made using recordings of the actual aircraft. While I have no way of outright disproving that claim, it is misleading at best considering the quality of those sounds is so egregious compared to the standard you expect from inibuilds products. It would be nice to get some updated engine sounds that do not totally destroy the immersion like the current sounds do.
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