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Everything posted by BillM

  1. I had the AI anti-stall setting on. I've turned that off and will try a flight again.
  2. I appreciate all the work done to bring this aircraft to the Marketplace. I am not trying to criticize your efforts, but I just find it very difficult to complete a flight without something strange and unexpected happening. I will check the AI settings. Thanks.
  3. I don't think so. This aircraft is much too buggy. I tried to take a flight to record the video as requested and the autopilot would not engage (!). I feel like I am chasing a problem only to have another problem pop up and get in my way. This mod is much too frustrating for me. Maybe some of the issues are user error, but I have been flying the basic A320 without a problem for several months.
  4. I did as you suggested, and that solved the problem with the flight plan. However, another problem (which I did not mention before) persists. I had hoped that having an empty Community folder would have solved this one as well, but it did not. The plane does not pick up the glide path on approach. I believe I am doing everything correctly (localizer frequency, approach altitude, LS on, LOC on, APPR on). The plane follows the flight plan well until the point of joining the glide path. The plane flies the localizer path exactly but overflies the GS intersection without showing a green GS. I have flown the A320 V1 many times and have never had a problem with this, unless I created it by being too high. Any thoughts on what I am doing wrong, or how to correct this? Do I have to activate the approach on the MCDU? Thanks.
  5. Vrishabh, Thanks for this guidance. I will try this today and let you know what I find. If there is a conflict with a mod in my Community folder, identifying it might take a little more time. Again, thanks for the guidance.
  6. Thanks for responding. My instance of the A320 V2 is up to date. I am at KPHL at a ramp doing pre-flight when I review the flight plan. By adding a runway (in this case 27L) and a SID (I think its PHL3) the MANUAL and discontinuity entries appear. I have now found that if I go through the sequence CLR >MANUAL > Return a couple of times, the MANUAL entry clears; then I can clear the discontinuity. It seems odd that you have to clear a couple of times to make this work.
  7. I am able to load a SimBrief flight plan from the EFB to the MCDU. However, when I add a runway and SID or STAR to the plan, a "Manual" entry together with a flight plan discontinuity often appear in the plan. Pressing CLR and then the Manual entry does not delete it; rather I am taken to another screen with selections for offset, hold and so on. If I return to the flight plan screen, I am still unable to delete the Manual entry, and am taken back to the same offset/hold/etc screen. I can't delete the discontinuity until I delete the Manual entry. In some cases, trying this process several times deletes almost the entire flight plan. Is there a better way to deal with this situation? Thanks.
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