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Everything posted by SylentPG

  1. hiya, yes I have solved it. My issue was wider than just the Ini A320 it was my whole flight sim. My issue was having the map mod installed and it was adding some weird files to my sim which I deleted and then it worked fine Here is where I got my solution: https://forums.flightsimulator.com/t/solved-simulator-always-freezes-on-the-loading-screen-after-pressing-fly-when-i-try-to-play-in-online-mode-but-it-does-not-freeze-when-in-offline-mode/474902/3
  2. Hello, I understand a new aircraft takes some time to load but I wanted to try out the neo a few nights ago and I was stuck on a loading screen that was seeming 100% loaded but it just wouldn’t go into the flight (as seen in picture). After over 15 minutes of it being stuck loading I just alt F4. Iv tried reinstalling and emptying the community folder but nothing so far. nny help would be greatly appreciated really want to put some hours into the plane. Thank You!
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