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Geoffrey Hargreaves

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Everything posted by Geoffrey Hargreaves

  1. @richboy2307 Just a quick update, I’ve tried the options given and that has solved my issue’s thanks. Fantastic plane. She’s lovely too fly.
  2. Thank you for getting back to me, I will try the options you have suggested when I return from my vacation. Speak to you soon. Yours sincerely Geoff Hargreaves
  3. I’m an Xbox Series X user and I own all the additions of MSFS 2020. I have a massive issue with trying to steer the A320 Neo V2 on the ground,I’ve tried it with the steer wheel on & off. Is this a bug or am I missing something. The aircraft its self is fantastic, hopefully I will eventually be able to get a full flight. Also can i ask about the simbrief, I’m currently on the free version of the app but this doesn’t work on this aircraft, but it does on other aircraft in the sim. Look forward to hearing from you. Geoff Hargreaves
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