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Lewis Hughes

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  1. That’s annoying I suppose it’s not in inibuilds hands anymore and it’s up to Microsoft on how long they want to take to get it through the prosses
  2. I understand that the A350 has been released on pc and I know that it is coming to Xbox late because of the market place but is there any way that we can know what date this is likely to come out on the market place?
  3. Thank you this will come in handy loads
  4. I don’t know how to help but I found when I put a sid in the heading went to manage mode but I have to be careful because if it goes back to selected after this then I can’t get it back I don’t have a problem with the autopilot not following the flight plan so I don’t know how to help sorry
  5. 73861663424__AE93BF19-9205-4EB1-AB70-8019B8D2624A.MOV I can’t get it to work
  6. Thanks I’ll sort that out I don’t think I had my button mapped to the right thing
  7. I can’t get the heading selector out of this mode
  8. The heading selector in the autopilot doesn’t seem to work. When you put it in heading manual mode I can’t seem to press it back in so it goes back to manage. This means after I’m done following vectors I can’t put the heading mode back to follow the flight plan. This effectively ruins the flight as the plane can’t follow the flight plan anymore. In my latest flight when I spawned in the heading mode was in manual. When I couldn’t get it into manage mode before takeoff I couldn’t and when I took off the plane wouldn’t follow the flight plan as it was In the wrong mode so I stopped my flight. i hope this is something that can be fixed in Xbox as that’s what I fly on
  9. I have the same issue! When I change the heading select into manual mode I can’t change it back to manage. I’ve had to restart flights because of this issue
  10. When landing I’m consistently having the issue of when I take the autopilot off the autopilot disconnect would constantly plays out after I acknowledge the caution light. I also get a warning on my ECAM saying that autopilot has disconnected does anyone know what I can do to stop the constant disconnect noise after I take the autopilot off
  11. When landing I’m consistently having the issue of when I take the autopilot off the autopilot disconnect would constantly plays out after I acknowledge the caution light. I also get a warning on my ECAM saying that autopilot has disconnected does anyone know what I can do to stop the constant disconnect noise after I take the autopilot off
  12. I had this isssue when flying the Faro approach last night on runway 28 the old didn’t show up
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