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Everything posted by Healthy_Harold

  1. I realised that i just needed to take time to do the calibration. I realised that if I did it slowly and I calibrated my throttles to, it would work. I don't really know how to explain it but it just kinda fixed if I did it while watching a tutorial.
  2. I was doing a full flight from YSSY-NFFN when I was turning onto approach, there was a white square over most of Nadi including the airport, however it disappeared and all was fine. When landing the runway textures didn't load and the terminal building didn't load, only the satellite imagery, only a few fences loaded and the lights. I have been able to spawn into the airport fine, and if I directly spawn into the airport everything loads perfectly and it looks amazing. But when I do a flight it won't load, this is the first flight I've done so I'll do another one tomorrow, but if it doesn't load then I don't know what to do. If anyone could help that would be great. I'll see if it happens again, but if anyone knows what caused this please let me know. Thanks, Healthy_Harold
  3. Update: I have fixed the throttle issue, but one issue that won't stop is that when ever I open another window, eg google chrome and then enter back into msfs, or it lags because I press a key on my keyboard, the A320 will suddenly stop and no matter what it won't move, the cockpit is still interactive it just won't move. I have this issue with other aircraft, but with the PMDG 737, all I need to do is press the brake button on my yoke and then I can start moving again and with a lag it doesn't do anything, but if I press the brake button on the A320 it won't move, it is just glued to the ground. I turn parking brake on and off, nothing happens. Is there anything to fix this?
  4. When I updated to Sim update 15 I was mainly excited to fly the A320neo as it had so many cool features and looked like an overall good aircraft. But when I first started to fly it, it was a bit of a let down. A few switches say they're on on the overhead panel, but it says that they are off, this was just the first issue I have noticed, even though it is minor, it is just a bit confusing. For example, the crew oxygen supply light says it is on, but when hovering over it is says it is off. The second issue is that I made a mistake when calibrating my Thrustmaster Boeing throttles, I press reset calibration, nothing happens no matter what he calibrations won't reset and they stay the same. It is when I push my throttles all the way, it just stays at FLX, not TOGA. Even though my throttles are all the way forward, they are stuck at FLX. I don't know how to fix this issue, the throttles won't go past FLX and I have switched through multiple profiles and edited stuff but nothing works. One other thing is that before I took the screenshots, the pushback wouldn't work, the aircraft would be glued to the ground, but it magically fixed itself. The last issue is that whenever I open eg. Google chrome, and leave msfs, leave the widnow MSFS and open google chrome in task bar, I enter msfs again and the aircraft won't move, with the 737 I just need to press my brake button, but with the A320 it won't move. I have never had these issues with FBW and I mainly fly the PMDG 737, never have I ever had any problems with either of them. I hope that this can be easily fixed, and because this is a new aircraft, there is no information available. The switches is just a minor bug, but the other problems are affecting my overall enjoyment of the aircraft. I hope this is fixed as I want to enjoy this addon and fly around in a functional airbus. -Thankyou Note- Not enough space to upload all screenshots, any questions please respond.
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