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SomeoneCalledRay last won the day on September 6 2024

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  1. Hi all, I purchased Teesside today after hundreds of flights in and out of Jersey Airport, also by Fly X Sim. Of course, the quality of EGNV is the same, meticulously crafted excellence that we've come to expect from this developer, although I have noticed two issues that I'd just like to address (though they aren't major!). The main problem I am experiencing is that there are trees present around the runway - this is obviously not the case in the real-world and I believe it is caused by a world update. I have attached some images. If anyone is aware of a solution to this problem, I would greatly appreciate it! Secondly, there is seemingly a permanent or baked-in puddle of water on the roof of the passenger terminal. This isn't major as, lets be honest, it's usually cloudy and raining here anyway, haha, however it would be nice if this could be changed so that it isn't present during sunny weather. Despite these though I cannot recommend Teesside, Jersey and all of the other airports produced by Fly X Simulations, they are some of the best sceneries available and deserve every bit of praise.
  2. The HIALS on runway 08 are accurate, they are not present in the real world, check the charts 🙂
  3. It's in iniManager, next to the install/uninstall button - does everything for you 🙂
  4. No problem at all, thanks for responding! Here's the location of the 'object', I should have specified a bit better.
  5. Considering our previous two options for scenery at this wonderful island airport were somewhat inadequate, I was very pleased when I learned of the release of Jersey Airport by Fly X Simulations; in fact I purchased it approximately 20 minutes after it's release. I loaded up my sim and jumped in a B60 Duke to do some circuits and check out the scenery with drone camera - I'm very impressed. First thing I noticed were the textures - they are all very crisp and high-quality, and they feature a high level of detail. The models are just as pleasing, very detailed and high quality. Most of the air-side terminal interior is modeled, and the interior of the Gama Aviation hangar is modeled and accessible (the doors are open, so you can park in there!). The ground texturing is accurate according to charts and very crisp, even with my somewhat low Terrain Level-of-Detail setting, and the performance is very good. Despite this, I have a few issues with the scenery - some of which are very unlikely to influence opinions on the scenery, however I believe there are a few which need rectifying. Runway 26 is predominantly grooved asphalt (or rather whatever material it is made of, I have forgotten its actual name), however has a tiled concrete section at its threshold. The main runway texture (as in, not the tiled concrete) sticks out underneath the threshold at the very end of the runway. This is not a major issue, and I'm sure isn't noticeable enough to be a huge issue for many virtual pilots. Runway 08's approach lighting is inaccurate - PAPIs are only found on the left of the runway (they should be on both sides). The REILs do exist however, which is a nice touch. The glass in the ATC tower makes the entire interior of the ATC tower look grey and colourless when looking from outside inwards. This does not happen when looking from inside outwards. VDGS models are static and do not function, not a huge issue but has caused me a slight struggle while setting up a GSX Pro Profile for this scenery. There is a large white floating object (looks like a wall or part of a building) just above the treeline on the right hand side of Runway 08's threshold. The GA parking field is littered with default static aircraft models - I believe these should be a configurable option. No included GSX Pro Profile. There is a huge quantity of questionable-looking GSE surrounding every stand, which is fine unless you are a GSX Pro user. I do absolutely love how this scenery models the terminal interior to a near-full extent, including the foyer, terminal hall, and air-side areas. I also love how the interior of the Gama Aviation hangar is modeled, and how the car park and land-side areas are also modeled very nicely. I do recommend this scenery to anyone who wants it. It is very high quality and deserves a lot of praise.
  6. I never knew this, assumed it didn't exist because I was so used to calling "Thrust, SRS, Heading" as they appeared on the FMA, but it turns out the A300-600R has a RWY mode in the real world, like the A320, and ini have simulated this in the A300-600R for Microsoft Flight Simulator. I wanna know how many people knew this? Is it common knowledge? For those that didn't, you need to tune the ILS/LOC and CRS of the runway you're departing from, as well as having it set as your departure runway in the FMS, it will then show you a lateral flight director to keep you aligned with the runway centreline, I presume in the real world this is used for low-visibility conditions. (Yes, I know I have a config warning, I saw the RWY mode in a YouTube video of an A300-600 takeoff from the cockpit, and jumped in to test it out myself)
  7. My Discord is the same as my Display name - I've been banned from the iniBuilds Discord and I'm not 100% sure why. I did make a joke about Asobo, so if that was against the rules then fair enough (I didn't personally see it as "bashing developers" like the rules prevent, just a friendly joke), but I didn't get ban message or anything like that, I just kinda wanna know why I was banned, haha. If I overstepped and did break the rules then fair enough, staff just doing their job, I'd just like to hear the reason from a staff member, I do apologies if I've caused any issues.
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