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  1. Just wondering how many patches ini needs to make the plane flyable. By "flyable" I mean you can make many hours flight without freezes or crashes. Remember a300 falling out of the blue skies? It took 5 or 6 patches to solve that problem. ❤️
  2. Interesting enough the 2020 version screens are much darker than 2024 one. Anyway the screens should be 2 times brighter at least
  3. I want to see visible cabin attendants in the crew rest room!
  4. I’m talking about PC right now. Have done extensive check and the problem is frame generator (FG) Loaded A310 with MSFS flight plan AND FG OFF ten times - 100% success Loaded A310 with MSFS flight plan AND FG ON ten times - 100% CTD. (There’s a standard combination - loading ribbon is about 30%, music stops, CTD) So the possible workaround is 1. Load MSFS and turn FG off 2. Load A310 3. Turn FG on The plane is stable till the end of the flight. Be noted. For forty-ninty snobs. You FG is always On by default. I’m not sure is it possible to switch it off in MSFS settings. Good luck. P.S. I have a simple 60 Hz monitor. When I switch off FG, I turn on vsync and 50% of the monitor refresh rate. If you have a sophisticated monitor with 144 Hz, free vsync etc. my trick may not work for you. If it crashes on Xbox there is a conflict between frame rates and iniBuild gauges I believe
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