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Harp0nAv Av

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Everything posted by Harp0nAv Av

  1. Hello, I just noticed that if I want to fly to Stuttgart or to Belgrade or if I’m departing from them, none of them show the approaches and departures in the MCDU. It just says none, even if I scroll left,right, up and down. I hope you can fix it. Kind regards Harp0nAv
  2. Hello, I just noticed that if I want to fly to Stuttgart or to Belgrade or if I’m departing from them, none of them show the approaches and departures in the MCDU. It just says none, even if I scroll left,right, up and down. I hope you can fix it. Kind regards Harp0nAv
  3. Hello, Today I flew to Frankfurt and I was following the glideslope but the AP had to turn the nose down to -4 degrees to stay with the vertical G/S. That meant I was too fast for the landing. I hope you can fix it. Thank you
  4. @Azlog ah okay and also when I can takeoff normal, I can’t get more speed, I literally need to climb with 10 degrees and even then I’m not really climbing as I should ( in the first 30s)
  5. @Azlogwdym with soft key
  6. Hello, The spoilers don’t work or don’t show up for me in external view and it also doesn’t seem that the aircraft is slowing sometimes. Usually the don’t work in the air or don’t show up in the exterior. I hope you can fix the problem. Thank you!
  7. I hope you can fix this problem with the takeoff physics at high fuel
  8. I found the mistake , it shows the wrong GW to calculate, it shows always 54880 at every mass of fuel . I calculated the V speeds with the wrong weights .
  9. Hello, I recently made a flight from EDDF to LEPA with 15T of fuel, which is calculated. When I took of, I realized that I couldn’t rotate at my calculated VR speed. I had to rotate my stick full to the back to get off the ground but even then it took long (3sec) to rotate . Here’s an example with only 7T of Fuel I hope you can fix this problem! harp0nAv 73314118311__34DFB1B6-8246-4FC6-940C-EADF4908B82D.MOV
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