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  1. Hello, is possible to set jetway in GSX to lock by default to door 2L? Let me know how please on the A350
  2. In my case was to be instructed by ATC to fly direct X so i selected fly direct from present position with abeam option and suddenly after pressing the video bottom all my screens beace frozen with no exterior sound. The airplane still flying though.
  3. Hello im flying msfs 2020 with pc specs: nvidia 4070 super, I8 14700KF 64RAM 2K monitor and experience the following issues: -Beacon light too bright during day and night time specially and daytime. -Logo light also very bright during both times -Cannot change EO altitude on the PERF page -Cabin lights (on galleys) and outside view seems as if theres no cabin light during night, very very dark. -Cannot hear PA annoucnements with the PA knob on the radio active, not even with the cockpit door opened on ground. -after pressing the video bottom while i made a direct waypoint freeze all the screens and exterior sound.
  4. after making a direct and press the videom bottom all screens freeze
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