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unhinged_aviator last won the day on April 23 2024

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  1. One of the events was caused by trying to delete a waypoint from a STAR that was being flown, the second one, I can't recall but it also involved either editing an altitude at a waypoint along the descent or changes to a fix.
  2. To add to the above, flying the PW A300, KSDF->KMKE.
  3. I've had this exact thing occur to me 2 times now, both on VATSIM, requiring me to disconnect before losing control of the aircraft. NOTHING in the cockpit is responsive. None of the turn knobs, buttons etc. There's no way to interact with the aircraft inside the cockpit. Meanwhile the sim is NOT frozen, and I can still make basic control inputs with the keyboard and get the aircraft to roll and pitch, but none of the displays are updated to reflect attitude changes, so it becomes impossible to fly IFR. The FMC also remained frozen. BOTH events followed immediately after I tried inputting a change of waypoint or altitude to an active leg in the FMC. Can we get a response from the devs?
  4. Does anyone know if it's possible to program the FMC to display an extended centreline on the nav page on the PFD? Can't find this information in the documentation.
  5. Solved by restarting the whole sim.
  6. So I've been mostly flying the PW A300 for the last few weeks, and decided to hop back into the GE jet (stock Fedex livery). I perform the usual checklists and when it comes time to setup the avionics in the MCP (once the IRS are aligned, pitch trim, yaw damper and ATS switches all ON), I get the digits to display in the various windows, but turning the knob produces to changes to the input. So the plane is essentially grounded, as I can't set an altitude, V2 speed, heading or DH. Using just the keyboard right now, no external yokes or other controllers. Setup pictured below.
  7. Very cool, I had no idea.
  8. Luckily no impact on the FMS or the rest of the flight. Just no system messages.
  9. Not sure if this is related, but I've had my ECAM DU1 screen just freeze today with a "NORMAL" message, that would not respond to any of the buttons controlling the display, like the Clear button. Happened right after I hit the TOGA button on take-off. Picture attached.
  10. Am I going crazy or did the A300 not have an option to open and close the L & R engine cowls in the maintenance menu? It's now time for maintenance and I can't find these buttons in any of the EFB pages.
  11. Does the A300 need FSUIPC to run?
  12. Have a look at the "FLAP CTL TEST" lettering. Looks like the buttons above or below it were not the correct size, and the artist had to squeeze the text over the texture which clearly overlaps the recessed panel around the buttons. Minor point, hope it's an easy fix.
  13. Did you forgot to hit "Apply Load to Aircraft" because the sensed fuel value of approx. 3,000 kgs in both wing tanks is the default value the plane spawns with.
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