Hey jaybird, nothing against you personally here. The only reason I'm hitting the ready to fly panel state is because the engines wont start doing it by hand anymore. The plane worked at first, but after their update the other day now it doesn't, well it does (sometimes) but there is no thrust, I agree to fully benefit from an addon like this its best to read the FCOM first .. but then why even put a ready to fly panel state as an OIS option if it doesn't work? Look .. I've been in this hobby now for decades, have built both A320 and 737NG home cockpits using Flight Deck Solutions panels, harware, and electronics .. going all the way back to Project Magenta days, and I've also worked on commercial flight simulators as a vocation as well as for a government sub contractor for US Navy flight simulators, I know a few things about reading FCOM's before operating a new airframe .. and I did it with the A350 too .. and its not THAT different from the A330/340/380 .. I know how to properly start the airplane .. and again I have started it before in 2024 .. and can still start it in 2020, but simply this plane .. at least the 2024 version .. as well as 2024 itself are still infested with bugs and should never have been released to the public in their current state ..they are beta at best and I'd argue alpha .. yet they are raking in tons of money .. knowing this .. close to criminal in a lot of peoples minds. Both Ini and Microsoft need to offer refunds at this point to save face .. and instead offer people to join in as beta testers. Friggin upside down world we live in in so many ways. And yeah I signed out of the SU1 beta, uninstalled it, and DL'd the official SU1 .. doesn't matter .. SU1 official is still buggy as hell .. the buggiest piece of flight simulation software I have EVER used since starting with Sublogic Flight Simulator decades ago on my Apple IIe. I'm sure Ini is wrestling with Asobo on this at this point. The A350 btw loads into 2020 in the same time as the Fenix and PMDG stuff for me .. but the A350 2020 version performance for me even on my i13900k/4090 finely tuned machine is just not enjoyable, in 2024 the A350 is smooth.