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  1. Isn't there a template to be filling out for WASM crashes?
  2. what version of the aircraft were you flying? 1.00, 1.01, 1.02? Ini should edit the template to include that question, I'd imagine its an important one..
  3. Another WASM crash easily reproducible To reproduce Load at Gate International 32 Power up as per normal Taxi Out Given SYD3 Departure off 16R Departed and through 1000ft, AP on, direct CAWLY Go into the FIX page and add a fix called ENTRY (without any pilot entered waypoint called that) Boom, WASM crash. Forgot to create a waypoint for ETOPS entry and referenced it in the FIX page before I created it. Information Aircraft: A350-900 Simulator: FS24 SU1 BETA Navdata Method: NAVIGRAPH OFP: YSSY/16R N0483F410 DCT CAWLY M636 PLUGA N750 VANDA BELE2J NZCH/02 Specs: i7-13700KF, 4090, 64GB Ram WASM: WASM: Error during WASM: Event NAVIGRAPH_FunctionResult called in vfs://inibuilds-aircraft-a350/SimObjects/Airplanes/A350/attachments/inibuilds/Function_Interior_A350/panel/inibuilds-A350.wasm execution. Error code : 0xc000001d
  4. Yep I've done this after it happened twice, Paused saved me this morning actually and then I time accelerated 4x to catch up to where I would of been...
  5. To reproduce Load at Gate International 32 Power up as per normal Taxi Out Given SYD3 Departure off 16R Departed and through 1000ft, AP on, right turn to HDG 245 Through 1000 I brought the throttles back to CLB and as soon as I did that WASM crashed. Have done multiple flights in the -900, couldn't even make it to 1500ft in the 1000 Information Aircraft: A350-1000 Simulator: FS24 SU1 BETA Navdata Method: NAVIGRAPH OFP: YSSY/16R N0497F340 SYD1 RIC DCT 3321S15029E DCT IDSUP DCT EMROT DCT MUDGI DCT UNSAR DCT LASUD DCT IDGIG DCT IPGOK DCT VEXEV DCT KABIX/N0498F350 DCT UPTOD DCT UBGAN DCT DUPUG DCT 2314S14902E/N0502F360 DCT NONIR DCT APISO B462 PY B586 PIKOK/N0492F380 DCT 05N145E 10N144E 15N143E 20N142E 25N141E/N0487F400 DCT UKATA B586 CADDY/N0484F390 T871 TOPIT Y875 AROSA AROSAN RJTT/34R Specs: i7-13700KF, 4090, 64GB Ram WASM: Error during MFD_gauge_draw execution. Error code : 0xc0000005
  6. DJSean00

    MCDU click lag

    Same issue, several clicks to get one to register
  7. Same issue here with GSX refueling
  8. Anyone else having issues throughout the flight where it can take upwards of 3-5 clicks when say going through the checklist or activating approach mode? its like the first few clicks don't register? -900 in MS2024 with SU1 BETA.
  9. Full disclosure, I have never actually flown an A350 🤪 But to me the nose wheel steering whilst taxing feels like it has 0 weight on it and no inertia? You can move your tiller left right and it instantly swings the nose left/right surely the real aircraft has some damping on this? another example you're mid turn and need to tighten the turn, its instant, if this was the real thing people would be jerked left or right. Does it feel off for anyone else?
  10. Noticed this last night during an ETOPS flight.. Any chance we can add this to the wish list ini?
  11. DJSean00

    Mouse in VR

    How's she run in VR guys?? could anyone compare it to the Fenix/FBW380 in terms of performance?
  12. Happened to a friend in our discord, Singapore airlines livery in 2024 on short final about 200ft WASM crash. Lost call outs, throttle controls and buttons
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