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Daan Aelvoet

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Everything posted by Daan Aelvoet

  1. It is possible u just have to Calibrate it, it works good for me now
  2. same engines are imposible to use on xbox and the plane needs a lot of input to control it
  3. Hello, is it possible to add the full yellow DHL livery to one of the europian carrier packs? Since now there are a lot of packs but no one includes that one . https://as2.ftcdn.net/v2/jpg/03/16/86/57/1000_F_316865755_EVUqbnXfUnsmx5lFJDNIJuY9uqgCBvqF.jpg
  4. Update: After multiple crashes and restarts It will load the aircraft but when ending flight and loading again in game crashes 80% of time on Xbox series S
  5. Since today, (I don't know if there has been an update) the game keeps crashing every time when I load in the Airbus a300 freigther , haven't tested the passenger Sometimes I get into the world but when I try to make a quik travel, or start a new flight, the game backs out and crashes.
  6. Hello, its like when I land the plane , and when i want to turn on to the right the plane doesnt move at all to the right, on xbox controller but it keeps going to the left when i dont press anything
  7. When trying to import the Simbrief data, I and other people "https://forums.flightsimulator.com/t/inibuilds-a300-simbrief-request-error-on-mcdu/629400/8" get always the same error on Xbox. It works on the tablet but It seems to be impossible to import it in the "ACARS" , this is really important since its impossible to do flights on xbox now.
  8. Hello, after you land, the plane is almost impsible to steer to the gates ,
  9. Hello, could you add the DHL livery for the Xbox version. I miss the europe cargo liverys.
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