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Everything posted by Nagaika

  1. Are there any settings I'm missing?
  2. Am I doing something wrong here, was looking forward to this feature but cant get it to work
  3. Copy/paste issue from all other inibuilds aircraft, fuel consumption stays at 1x when simrate is increased. With the A300 you cant even adjust the fuel inflight as a work around. Are you guys even planing to fix this issue?
  4. Seems like the old inibuilds issue is ported over where fuel consumption stays at 1x while simrate is on 2x+.
  5. Same issue. Nosewheel turns but aircraft continues straight ahead. Rudder works
  6. Inibuilds has yet again released an aircraft where time acceleration (fuel consumption, stop watch) is not working. Will you guys ever get this fixed, just spoiles the expierence for an overall well done aircraft With the A350 and A380 in the pipeline this would be much appreciated 😁
  7. Does the fuel consumption still stay at 1x when using simrate 2x or above? Or has this been fixed with the recent update(s)?
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