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matty moor

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  1. Hi @richboy2307 By reinstalling it via inibuilds manager seems to have sorted the issue. Thanks for your help. Matt
  2. Ok I’ll try and transfer my purchase from marketplace to the inibuilds manager then re install from there, hopefully fixes the issue. cheers
  3. Fixed somehow by messing around with GSX settings.
  4. Hi, I purchased this product through MSFS marketplace and cannot get the jetways to move... GSX says they are fitted at each gate (which visually they are) but when i go to request the jetway it does not move. this occurs at every stand. Cheers Matty
  5. Hi @richboy2307, Yes photogrammetry is on. The only way to stop them bumps is to temporarily turn off terraforming in developer mode, then they seem to disappear. cheers Matty
  6. Hi, After installing the scenery i have found big steps in the runway and taxiway, added pictures for clarification. I cannot taxi over them as it sends the plane upside down.
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