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  1. Any date for update?
  2. Your buildings and textures take a long time to load. at 200ft control tower not load for example. other airports I have I can see all buildings already loaded at 100ft or more.
  3. i have, TCA Airbus sidestick + T flight hotas x + Xbox Series controller RTX2060 Super 8Go+ Ryzen 5 3600 + 16go ram +1 SSD 250go for big sceneries and windows +1 HDD 1to +1 External Disk 500go
  4. When we gonna have the update?
  5. no change, always when i make my first landing on LAX i have that freeze, like my pc struggling to loading some textures... but if make a touch and go and land again its smooth on 2nd attempt. if i do a flight LAS(or other)-LAX i have the freeze on landing if i do LAX-LAX no freeze on landing
  6. Lod resolution maybe too high, I've uninstalled, I can't even fly anymore each approaches is ruined with freeze and lag + textures problem on runways who make my plane crash.
  7. All runways, All in low, with or without real weather, without ai traffic and multiplayer
  8. all types of aircraft, cessna, pmdg, dhc ...
  9. always freeze during landing at lax only. rtx2060 super 8go + r5 3600 + 16go ram
  10. bliblox

    (too) Bad fps

    same a310 in KLAX = slideshow
  11. Hi, Taxiway K is now finished, an update soon ? and for performance too, because my egll and klax are so laggy with SU10.
  12. In my opinion i think there are too many objects at each gates like catering etc.. and laggy at first loading
  13. my problems are solved now ! thanks for the update
  14. thats better, no more problem with terminals, but i think 1 more performance update and that will be ok
  15. hi, Every time i want to land at LAX my game freeze(3 to 5 sec) during touchdown (at ~50ft ) and laggy during all rollout and at the same time terminals takes a long time to appear. my config: R5 3600, 16Go Ram, RTX2060S 8Go No traffic (all at 0), i even try with all in low in graphics settings, always the same. But no problem for takeoff.
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