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  1. I am flying at FL350 over Salina, KS. The SAT temperature right now provided by Live Weather is -47C. The ISA reads “-7C”. That is incorrect. Standard ISA temperature at this altitude is -54C, so the ISA deviation field should show “+7” not “-7”
  2. The sim freezes every time when trying to exit back to the main menu after flying an IniBuilds Airbus. Then the only way to close MSFS 2024 is to kill the sim process in the Task Manager. This does not happen if loading an Airbus on the ramp then exiting, but happens every time if the aircraft has been flown between two airports. From what I have read on the official forums, this only seems to happen with the default IniBuilds Airbus fleet in MSFS 2024. Is there something you need to do on your end to fix this, or is it an issue that only Asobo can address? I assume this has something to do with WASM?
  3. As the title says, toggle chocks and covers does not work from the EFB. The buttons are red and remain so when pressed. I can remove both from outside the aircraft in walk-around mode. Toggle GPU and toggle jetway do work in the EFB Jim Barrett
  4. The problem is that neither inibuilds nor any other aircraft developer has any control over how quickly Microsoft will update a product on the Marketplace. Ini can submit an updated build to the Marketplace immediately after it is produced, but then it is entirely up to MS how quickly they approve the update and make it available to customers. The approval process can take many days (or longer).
  5. It appears to be an issue specifically with J212. I tried to enter the same FP but going from the last SID waypoint HRRBR J212 DECAS and got the same permanent “PLEASE WAIT” I tried a different airport pair, and entered an airway with only one waypoint and it worked. “PLEASE WAIT” did appear for just a second, but then the waypoints appeared on the FMS and the INSERT prompt was available. The A300 uses MSFS’s default nav data ( unlike PMDG or Fenix which have a custom database). I’ve run out of time today, but I will try tomorrow entering the FP using the Asobo 787 (which also uses MSFS’s own nav data) to see if it shows the same problem. If so, it might be a problem with the nav data. If not, it’s probably a bug in the A300.
  6. I restarted and just entered CURIV direct DECAS with no problem. I think it may be caused by entering an airway segment with just one down route waypoint. I’ll run some tests on that theory tomorrow.
  7. I just installed 1.0.3 by uninstalling the previous version 1.0.2 and installing 1.0.3 fresh via the IniManager. I am using the FedEx freighter N962FE Trying to enter the following FP: KPHX (07L) KEENS2.HRRBR CURIV J212 DECAS PMD GMN RGOOD SKIZM2 KOAK No problem entering the departure runway, SID and HRRBR transition, and the first enroute waypoint CURIV. However when I try to do a lateral revision from CURIV, I enter J212/DECAS at the VIA/GOTO prompt, the FMS displays the message “PLEASE WAIT” on the scratchpad and the FMS CDU is completely unresponsive from then on. I completely exited MSFS, restarted, reloaded the aircraft and tried again with the same result. I have entered airways using VIA/GOTO many times in V 1.0.2 many times with no problem. The only potential issue I see is that J212 is just a short direct segment from CURIV to DECAS with no intermediate waypoints. I am going to try again by simply entering CURIV DECAS and see what happens.
  8. JRBarrett


    A suggestion to the developers: the stairs option should be available for the PAX version as well. Some airports in addition to terminal jetways, have remote stands, with passengers being brought to the aircraft by bus.
  9. Yes 111.95 is correct. 113.4 is the DXO VOR - I misread the chart. If you were flying the ILS-Z it may well be a bug in the inibuilds aircraft. However, if you tried to do an autoland using ILS-Y (in any aircraft) it would not work. I do have the inibuilds KDTW, but I have not flown there since purchasing the A300 nor (as yet) tried an autoland, but I will do so soon.
  10. It is extremely important to know which ILS 22R approach you were flying at KDTW. Runway 22R at KDTW has two completely independent ILS systems. ILS-Z 22R frequency 113.4, with an inbound course of 216 degrees. ILS-Y 22R frequency 111.75, with an inbound course of 213 degrees. The ILS-Y localizer is offset 3 degrees from the runway centerline. ILS-Y is used when simultaneous parallel approaches are being conducted to the adjacent runway 22L. Only CAT-I approaches are permitted when using ILS-Y. No aircraft are allowed to attempt an autoland at the real KDTW when flying the ILS-Y. CAT II and CAT III approaches (with autoland) on KDTW 22R can only be done when flying the ILS-Z approach. The same dual ILS-Y and ILS-Z system exists on the opposite end (04L) of this same runway. A similar situation exists on runway 22R at KJFK, which is permanently offset 2.5 degrees to the right of the runway centerline. No autolands can be done on the real KJFK 22R - for CAT Ii and CAT III (autoland) approaches, aircraft must use runway 22L
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