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Everything posted by BrownCow069

  1. Has anyone experienced a reduced Range on reverse thrust? Im only getting 40% ish of N1, it dials up well up to range on the small white indicator behind, but only producing little. ( Both GE PW) ? im going through Brakes 😆
  2. and who are you???
  3. right
  4. do we know when?? 🤷‍♂️
  5. Does anybody know of a Tutorial for RNAV / RNP Approach's for this Beast A300???? I thought I knew how to ( Re A310 procedure)....... but I don't?? or am I just doing all wrong?? Cant seen to get P-DES to arm in Blue even at or below platform alt in Alt Hold or Flight Level Change / Nav Mode engaged / MDA pre set / Final selected prior - Cant maintain profile on decent / Cant manage Speed with A/T??? A Gazillion ILS Approach tutorials, but nothing on RNAV/RNP 🤷‍♂️ Cheers World 🍺
  6. Mark I have not done anything different and have followed everything to the line from the check list to the T.... many times with no issues... until now?? one thing possibly ?? I deleted the hold point at CUPED on the RNAV (GPS)(CUPED Transition) for RWY28R KPBI, then cleared the Discon? (in Nav - Alt Hold - @ 180knots) via VUUDU1 / ACORI Transition - Maintained heading and Alt leaving waypoint COTEB 6000ft - Decent to 3000ft passed waypoint CUPED - went Direct CUPED and it all went down hill 🤷‍♂️
  7. yip ...... wont capture.... P DES not working either..... RNAV... nope ...... ILS nope 🤷‍♂️ it was all going so well??? what happened??? like wise 2 Flights yesterday without an issue... then no dice today??
  8. me too??? flop......... lost all A/P (Nav) ILS wouldn't engage / Nor Rnav?? both FD's pushed to the right ?? recycled them.... no go??? resubmitted fright plan in the FMC reselected my Approach ........ nothin🤨
  9. ual763... you nailed it!!! 👍 Weight and Bal setup first then proceed to Route set (SID / STARS)
  10. 😆 copy that... cheers for the reply, appreciate it.
  11. Quick question? Have maintenance set to realistic, but yet to see and any wear to tear??? nothing changes?? completed 6 or more long haul flights (same Aircraft), is there a setting within Msfs2020 that needs activating also??? PS top job ini team, lovin the aircraft🙌!!!!
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