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  1. yeah no worries. it is great news as im taking my first steps on say intentions before venturing onto the vatsim network to learn the basics.
  2. sayintentions has been added as comfirmed in the twotone murphy twitch channel Q&A yesterday. heres the link: Flight Sim News | iniBuilds Interview | SayIntentions | Hawker Fury 📢 - Twitch time stamp is 01:40.35.
  3. im also experiencing the same issue with the main panel flood flight. im not sure if its a bug as i have noticed if you use the efb panel states that effects the lighting mainly the pedestal light and the dome light. im not sure if its the aau3 update that caused it or before as i have only just started using the a320 v2 after watching some streamers on twitch.
  4. yeah its so dark doing night flights, im not sure if its aau3 update or was not working before ?
  5. hi, im looking for any help with the ini bulids a320 neo. i thought i would try the a320neo v2 after watching a few streams but when loading in i found the main panel flood lights not working but i can see them illuminated under the fcu as shown in screenshots below. i have deleted the files a320 neo v2 from the content manager and reinstalled but still not working. i have also removed everything in the community folder including p42 sim fx. the lighting still dosen't work. im not sure if its a bug but i have noticed if using the panel states from efb the flood light and dome light don't work. i have searched online in forum but can't anything. thank you in advance for any help.
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