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Daniel Landucci

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Everything posted by Daniel Landucci

  1. Hello. Yes, I did everything described in the previous post, from deleting the contents of the 'inibuilds-aircraft-a300-600' folder, to renaming the old communities folder and creating a new one with the same name, containing only the A300 files. Nothing worked. And as you asked me, I use GSX as a pushback. Now I did another test. I opened Inibuild Manager and uninstalled the A300-600. I restarted the computer, installed the A300-600 again. I entered FS2020 and generated the aircraft on the runway (to be faster). I moved the throttle and it traveled a few meters and I managed to move it with the rudder. After a few meters passed, the aircraft froze again, always traveling in a straight line. I restarted the flight again and since then it freezes the command. The landing gear moves, but the aircraft does not follow, it always moves in a straight line.
  2. Hi. I uploaded a video I recorded of the A300 taxiing and also inside the cabin, showing the tablet and the operation of the rudder on the F/CTL screen. If you can analyze it and, who knows, you might be able to help me. It's the aircraft I like most from FS2020 and I simply can't fly it. =/ Thank you very much for your help! Here's the link: Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024.08.27 - - MEGA
  3. I'm having the same problem with the rudders. I've already changed everything possible in the tablet settings, the keys on the FS2020, I tried creating a new profile, I tried using the default simulator profile, and nothing (I have a Logitech X52). I don't know what else to do. The aircraft on the ground does not move side to side. When I go to the F/CTL screen, it shows the rudder moving correctly, but when moving the aircraft goes in a straight line.
  4. Wait, do we have to wait until version 1.0.5 to get this fix? Aren't they going to release a hotfix sooner to fix the problem? Is there a way to rollback to version 1.0.3? I had only been flying the A300-600 for a week or twho and now I'm grounded... haha.
  5. Same here! I'm flying with HDG mode turned on. If I put it in NAV, it keeps curving infinitely. Very nice update. =/
  6. It's improved by about 30%... and when I need to use Navigraph or access Simbrief's FOP through the browser, the screen freezes a lot. Honestly, it's impractical. In flight it's normal, on the ground it's a shame
  7. Wow, I hadn't seen that option in the app. I'll download it and run the tests. Thank you very much for now, my friend!
  8. @Marcocessna84 Hi, how do I know which texture is optimized? I downloaded some, and others that I had already downloaded I saw had an update, which I just did and I'm going to test it now. Are these the ones in the app? Thanks!
  9. I have a relatively good computer. Any aircraft, be it Fênix, PMDG, A2A or Just Flight, I can land and take off without any problems at any airport, whether default or third-party. Now on the A300-600 it is impractical. Using headtrack, the drop in frames is huge. Taking off or landing is impossible, as it freezes the image so much that often any action I take on the aircraft is too late. Despite being a great, well-modeled aircraft, I am quite disappointed with this point. I hope they review this and bring some improvement, I bought it and honestly I can't use the product. I formatted my computer, thinking it could improve and nothing. I have an i7 12900k, 32Gb DDR5 and an RTX3060
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