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Everything posted by Skycowboy

  1. Hi, did you go to the MSFS menu above or which menu?
  2. The same to me. It happened at GND in EDDH cold&dark, maybe after I activated Simbrief-ID respectively Navigraph. Several times the same. After deleting WASM I was able to enter the cockpit again, but to finish MSFS2024 in the normal way it's not possible anymore, only by task manager. I tried to activate Simbrief/Navigraph again, but freeze after that. No SU1 Beta installed - I know... It's a pitty! Rolf
  3. Hi, yesterday I tried to buy OMDB Airport by iniBuild Manager, but I got an error message several times. Finally I bought the OMDB Airport iniBuild scenery via MSFS Marketplace. Unfortunately there are a lot of static Aircrafts on the Dubai Airport ground, which are disturbing during online traffic by our flight sessions in our club. The best solution seems to me to transfer my OMDB Airport from the Marketplace to ini(Build)Manager, but... I've to send a screenshot of my Marketplace deal that I'm owner of OMDB and it should show my name in th upper right corner. But my XBox name is a pseudonym and my name I signed in iniBuild manager is my full real name and I'm afraid that it wouldn't be accepted by iniBuild for safety reasons because the difference of the two names (but in the background it's my comparable identity. Please, could you help me or show a way to delete the static aircrafts by another way. Best regards Rolf-Dieter
  4. I found it! There is a little button at the TCAS/ATC panel, named RNG. Here it is possible to change the TCAS range between 6 and 12nm.
  5. Are there a possibility to change the range from the CPT (FO) TCAS? - it's 6nm always. It's integrated in the V/S-indicator below the altimeter.
  6. Sorry, problem solved. Obviousely I didn't set one value not in INIT page! Regards
  7. Hi, I'm missing FMC intersection Data (SPD/ALT or FL) after last SID intersection (please, see attachment). That happens with every F-PLN and there is no difference if I use A300-600R or A300-600F. I create F-PLNs via Simbrief and download it via SimbriefDownloader. I deleted via Navigraph Hub the base package (AIRAC Cycle 2313 rev.1) and installed it new, but the problem it's the same. But, if I make during my flight a direct (DIR) to next or another intersection all missing Data appear and it's oK. This behaviour shows up every flight and every new F-PLN. With other Aicrafts e.g. PMDG 737-800 or Fenix A320 I have no such problems. Any help is very welcome! Regards Rolf
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