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Rene Feijen

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Posts posted by Rene Feijen

  1. I had the same. I knew already of the DH speed bug, but thought it was only optical, because we could also (hope to) rely on the blue line for set speed on the speed tape. But apparently the DH bug not only prevents showing a set speed but also actually setting a speed.

  2. That is what I meant to say. From the gate I do pushback, and after pushback I wanted to taxi to the left, but it went right. THEN I did pushback again (on the taxiway, so strange /wrong place), as described above, and then I could use my rudder fully finally in both directions.

  3. After about 25 flights without taxi steering problems, today , after pushback, I could only taxi steer -after pushback stopped- to the right with my TPR pedals. (although rudder pedals and tiller in cocpit turned left) . I pressed pushback STOP again , and a bit random again pushback straight and then pushed for a turn. Then STOP again... et voila... my rudders worked again for taxi steering. My 2 cents.

  4. A friend on mine (living in another country) practical always has autothrottle kicking in in the approach phase. I suspect his speeds are outside limits for normal (auto)land. Now I dont have this problem. Am I right to think that I first have to select a stage of flaps, thus allowing AT in PROF mode to let the speed go down, do a next stage of flaps, etc. And not the other way around: waiting for the speed to come down (which I would say will not happen in PROF mode but in some manual speed mode), and only then selecting flaps?

    Is somewhere in an SOP or FCOM described what to do in what order?

  5. I read in the A310 FMS Pilot's Guide:

    CG is displayed as a % of MAC [?] with a default value of 25%. If a trim tank is not fitted the field displays GWCG. With a trim tank it displays ZFWCG. Entry is mandatory to initialize the trim tank computer.


    I guess I will use indeed MACZFW.


    PS A guess: MAC = moment of aircraft?

  6. I dont see a ZFWCFG I see MACZFW MACCGW and GWCG on the performance page. One is the same?

  7. Since last update I can fill all INIT B fields automatically, except for the ZFWCG. I cant see this number on the performance page of the tablet, only MWCG. I just put in 30%, but is there a way to determine the realistic number?

  8. 12 minutes ago, Crabby said:

    I have to ask, because I can't determine from the post.  Did you set the flight directors to ILS mode on the glareshield?

    Yup, as always. (Now I did recycle the AP and LAND switches, but not the ILS mode selector. But... that should not be necessary in the first place). Also set on the copilot PFD and not showing the diamonds btw, as I tend to do long before I do that also on the pilot flying side.


  9. 1.03 Same here, no digits, but there was a moving blue line on the speed tape. All was good on 1.02.

    Also on ILS landing I did not see the GS and LOC diamonds on the PFD, although LAND was armed as I could see blue G/S and LOC indications on the PFD and PFD to ILS display set. Autoland did not kick in though, in spite of complete landing config and correct approach speed. That was on EHGG OLWOF1 arrival and then via HECTI  ILS RWY23 approach. This also was good on 1.02.

  10. 2 hours ago, Rene Feijen said:

    The use of Navigraph is interesting here. I will test without it.

    I did one good approach without Navigraph, and then it failed again on the SID. So seems not to depend on that. Will continue testing. Maybe.

  11. 1 hour ago, Crabby said:

    Well, I guess I ran into something similar on departure from KGPI.  
    1. Addon airport
    2. I use and will continue to use Navigraph in the sim
    I was on the RIDDG2 departure to RIDDG.  The plane flew the departure with zero issues on NAV.  It was at RIDDG where I saw a hiccup.  The next waypoint after RIDDG in my flight plan was ANN.  My plane crossed RIDDG without turning.  I corrected by using the direct to button.  

    Now, I will say this.  ATC gave a reroute during cruise and the entry of the reroute and the plane's reaction to it was spot on.  

    What I take away is that I have to stay ahead of the plane, as I would in any plane in real life.  I do not know if my use of Navigraph caused this or if it is a bug in the LNAV.  I am not going to remove Navigraph to test, so I will just monitor.  This has been the only case of weird LNAV behavior that I have seen though a couple of my buddies from the VA reported similar but spurious incidents too.  The commonality is we all use Navigraph.  

    The use of Navigraph is interesting here. I will test without it.

  12. 5 hours ago, kevink817 said:

    Just experienced this twice in a row on a departure from OMDB - RWY 30R on the ANVI7F departure. Even with NAV mode engaged, it flew straight through DB570. I gave it a DIR TO DB587 to get it back on track. It flew the rest of the SID perfectly, but after the transition ANVIX it did not turn towards the first enroute waypoint of GIDIS. I gave it another DIR TO for VAVIM, and now it seems to be following the rest of my route correctly.

    For reference, here is my complete routing: OMDB/30R ANVI7F ANVIX R401 GIDIS G783 UKRAG L710 KUKDI B400 RIGAM B403 BOMIX UB403 MAV UP312 WAV WAJI1A HKJK/JOM2C.I06

    Please note that after I imported the flight plan from Simbrief I selected RWY 30L that simbrief had selected for me. I later changed the runway to 30R with the same SID.

    Thanks for looking into this.

    Tested that and same experience on the SID. Had to handfly first waypoint but already had second one preselected DCT so then switched to NAV mode and it works fine. As Crabby (?) said, some SIDs you have to fly first a heading by hand/HDG mode if so instructed on the SID. Now I must say, on this SID it is not in the verbal description, on some SID's that is clearly the instruction. So , not sure what real life behaviour should be.

  13. Or are they by definition the speeds depicted with flightlevel in the flightplan pages.

    And then: why  cant I manually change the restriced speeds/altitude?


    Vertical revisions to the  flightplan can be made at any point along the
    route of flight



    It says in the A310 FMS Pilot's Guide. Or is it only possible in a A310 and not A300?

  14. 16 hours ago, WoodBein said:

    Into Brussels via KOK8A STAR and KERRY Trans. ILS 01 AP chosses not to fly into NIVOR instead a rightern turn it chosses a leftern turn.

    Screenshot 2024-01-11 170307.png

    Just thinking along. The STAR ends at KERRY. Which approach did you then select? You wanted select ILS RWY01 I guess. But other approaches have you go to the left for example ILS OR LOC Z RWY25L.

  15. If tropopause altitude varies and temperature at that altitude also, it would at least be relevant for the engine settings: temp above the tropopause stays the same for all relevant flying altitudes above the tropopause. Whether it is correctly modeled in the sim/A300 I dont know. It would make no sense if it can be entered in the FMS but not be part of MSFS2020 weather model.

  16. 28 minutes ago, Crabby said:

    Read the SID Initial Climb instructions for the runway.  If it says something like "climb heading XXX (or as assigned by ATC) to YYYY feet, then course direct ZZZZZ), I will use heading mode until I get to the YYYY feet then hit direct to the waypoint.  If the first waypoint is on the runway heading, I will take off with NAV.  An example of this would be taking off on runway 8L/R at KMIA on the Flamingo 1 RNAV.  I normally fly the needles by hand until 10K because I like to.  If ATC is heavy (a lot of fairly quick handoffs anticipated, I engage the A/P after being handed off by tower).  

    I tried NAV on ADME1M SID Birmingham, but it went straight past BBN31 although it is in runway heading I guess? But maybe I pressed NAV only after passing BBN31, will test tomorrow again. I corrected in HDG mode while setting up DCT to BBE20, and then NAV mode and that went well.

  17. What should it state on a SID so that I know if HDG or NAV mode has to be selected? Only possible to go direct to NAV mode if first instruction/waypoint after leaving the runway is a waypoint and not a heading?

  18. 7 hours ago, Crabby said:

    He said why in a nice way and maybe you didn't pick up on it.  You are doing it wrong (procedures).  Don't say you followed the checklist.  A checklist does not help you fly a plane, procedures do.  Checklists only verify proper execution of flows (procedures).  Your autopilot is not broken.  Your pilot is broken.  For example, in the departure you referenced, taking off from 34L as in your simbrief.  The chart says "Climb on HEADING 353 to INTERCEPT COURSE 059 to DUGGS".  Where you in HDG mode when you took off?  Did you fly the HDG then use the directo button to put you aircraft on course to DUGGS?  Did you look at your FMC and try and erase the manual entries?  Manual does NOT mean the autopilot is OFF it means other than LNAV mode, spinning knobs and stuff.  Fix the pilot and the autopilot will work better. When I flew this SID, I took off in HDG and Profile mode, my FCU was set to a heading of 353 and my altitude was initially set to 10000.  Worked perfectly.

    Navigraph Charts and 2 more pages - Personal - Microsoft Edge 1_10_2024 7_53_14 AM.jpg

    And that is why a POH or FCOM is necessary.

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