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  1. Of course 🫠
  2. In the end I found this solution: I assign the button of my controller to a "virtual event", corresponding to the control of the brakes through the PC keyboard (in my case, the point of the num keypad). And... it works perfectly! ☺️
  3. Using AXIS_LEFT_BRAKE_SET (and right) the aircraft brake pedals appear to move, but immediately return to the neutral position. The problem is that I'm trying to map them to a button on my joystick, and not an axis. In theory with a button I should use the BRAKES_LEFT and BRAKES_RIGHT commands, but then the pedals don't move. Very frustrating.
  4. Thanks for your help. The parking brakes work perfectly, like everything else. Are toe breaks mapped to an axis or a button on your controller? Can you send me a screenshot of AAO? With your suggestion they still don't work...
  5. Here the brakes are not mapped...
  6. Tks for the reply. The brakes simply don't respond. If I use the internal profiles of MSFS they work normally, but if I set the brake control via Asis and Oh's they simply don't move. It's the only command that doesn't work via AAO: everything else works perfectly. And it's the only plane with which AAO can't control the brakes...
  7. I can't assign brake control via Axis and Oh's. Any suggestions?
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