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Everything posted by donkeys

  1. I noticed if the winds are greater than 12 knots or so I cannot get a TO calculation on the EFB. Surely the A300 can handle more than a 12 knot crosswind.
  2. Known issue not yet resolved. Just turn off those settings in MSFS.
  3. I’m also wondering if it stays with the livery, or go with the variant.
  4. Just updated the liveries through the inimanager and now i get a CTD every single time I try to load into the airport.
  5. donkeys

    GSX Profiles

    Read in another post that’s the profiles come with the aircraft. Where exactly can I find those files?
  6. donkeys

    Trim Setting

    Copy that thank you!
  7. donkeys

    Simbrief Profile

    Copy thank you!
  8. Also had this issue twice loading into the airport.
  9. donkeys

    Simbrief Profile

    Anyone have a proper simbrief profile for the freighter version?
  10. donkeys

    Trim Setting

    Anyone find out how to calculate what pitch trim setting you should have on TO? I can’t find it anywhere in the EFB.
  11. Yes I do have the Bravo. This sounds about right. I had an issue with the Bravo and the A310 before. Never knew how to fix that.
  12. Was descending into PDX, when suddenly just after passing 10000 feet the plane slows to an almost total halt. As if I hit the active pause. It was still moving, but extremely slow. Yes I checked if I had hit active pause or slowed down time accidentally. Also, when loading the plane through the EFB for the first time it over stressed it and had to restart. Happened when I hit apply to aircraft.
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