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  1. Think I’m having the same problem here. Switches are not animating or moving in flightdeck but are working. Not sure if during cruise or after pause at TOD. Defo a problem
  2. The answer to my last is yes it does. Apologies I don’t know how I didn’t spot that. Still should not have auto disconnected. Bit embarrassed I didn’t spot that
  3. Yes but wouldn’t reset. Also doesn’t explain the heading select and no heading select indicator on the primary flight display?
  4. Today I took off from EGLL. Initial climb to fl240. Then I literally blinked. Speed nav etc disappeared from primary flight display. The only display at the top was AP1/2. All three other areas were blank. Also heading would not engage. There was no heading indicator on the PFD. Would not capture altitude. Only manual flight was permitted. I tried disengaging and re-engaging auto throttle and autopilot. To no avail. Help
  5. I’m having the same issues. All lights need reworking. Inside and out. Taxi and turnoff lights, same as above. Strobes non existent day time. No beacon light. Nav lights not there. Interior, dome light doesn’t work.
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